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Publications (Library)

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1993 Wave energy Symposium Proceedings of the Edinburgh International SymposiumEuropean Commission1993July 21-24Book
Ablaze: The Story of ChernobylRead, Piers PaulQuality Paperbacks Direct1993Book
Alternative Energy in the Middle EastBahgat, GawdatPalgrave Macmillan2013Book
Alternative Energy Sources (Select Comittee on the European Community)HM Stationery Office1988JuneThesis/Report
Alternative energy strategy for the United KingdomTodd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1978Book
Alternative initiatives in Berlin; Evironmental issues and employmentReuther-Greaves, RenateOpen University Technology Policy Group1993DecemberThesis/Report
Alternative Technology and the Politics of Technical ChangeDickson, DavidWilliams Collins Sons & Co Ltd1974Book
Analysis of generation costsCentral Electricity Generating Board1983FebruaryBook
Analysis of generation costs 1983/84 UpdateCentral Electricity Generating Board1985AprilBook
Annual Report and Accounts 2002/03National Grid Transco2003Book
Annual Report and Accounts 2003/04National Grid Transco2004Book
Appropriate tecnology; Technolgy with a human faceDunn, P DMacmillan1978Book
Aspects of the Energy Union: Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern MediterraneaMathioulakis, MichalisPalgrave Macmillan2021Book
Assessment of the progress of tidal power within the UKWatson, WalterOpen University Technology Policy Group1992NovemberThesis/Report
Atom's Eve: Ending the Nuclear Age, An AnthologyReader, MarkMcGraw-Hill Book Company1980Book
Beaufort wind scaleBrochure, leaflet or poster
Before the Wells Run Dry: Ireland's Transition to Renewable EnergyDouthwaite, RichardFeasta2003Book
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development First ReportDepartment of the Environment1995JanuaryBook
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development Third ReportDepartment of the Environment1997JanuaryBook
Can Cities, States and Regions Save Our Planet?: Transatlantic Perspectives on Multilevel Climate GovernanceBarichella, ArnaultPalgrave Macmillan2023Book
Climate Change 2001: The scientific basisHoughton, JT & othersCambridge University PressBook
Climate Change and Order: The End of Prosperity and DemocracyEdmondson, Beth; Levy, StuartPalgrave Macmillan2013Book
Climate Change in World PoliticsVogler, JohnPalgrave Macmillan2016Book
Computers and SocialismBodington, StephenSpokesman Books1973Book
Costs of producing electricityCentral Electricity Generating Board1980JUlyBrochure, leaflet or poster
Creating Solar Jobs: Options for Military Workers and CommunitiesBernstein, Alan; DeGrasse Jr., Robert; McFadden, David; Schutt, Randall; Shiras, Natalie; Street, EmersonMid-Peninsula Conversion Project1978NovemberBook
Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy PolicyBaker, Keith; Wood, GeoffreyPalgrave Macmillan2017Book
Decarbonization in the European Union: Internal Policies and External StrategiesDupont, Claire; Oberthur, SebastianPalgrave Macmillan2015Book
Development of Vickers Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy DevicesVickers Ltd1983MayThesis/Report
Developments inTidal EnergyInstitution of Civil Engineers1990Symposium Transactions
Double or Quits?: The Global Future of Civil Nuclear EnergyBeck, Peter; Grimston, Malcolm C.Earthscan2002Book
Duddon Estuary Tidal Energy Barrage Preliminary Feasibility Study; contractor reportEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1994Thesis/Report
Ecological Modernisation and Renewable EnergyStoke, DavidPalgrave Macmillan2011Book
Energy and Climate Change: Creating a Sustainable FutureColey, DavidJohn Wiley & Sons Ltd.2008Book
Energy Challenge: Finding Solutions to the Problems of Global Warming and Future Energy SupplyHaggis, GeoffreyMatador2007Book
Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption: The Rebound EffectHerring, Horace; Sorrell, StevePalgrave Macmillan2009Book
Energy for the Future: A New AgendaMacKerron, Gordon; Scrase, IvanPalgrave Macmillan2009Book
Energy from the WavesRoss, DavidPergamon Press1981Book
Energy Justice: A Local Content Analytical Framework for Sub-Saharan AfricaMuhongo, Rukonge SospeterPalgrave Macmillan2020Book
Energy Policy ReviewHM Stationery Office1977Book
Energy Policy: A Consultative DocumentHM Stationery Office1978Book
Energy Policy: an Agenda for the 1990s (SPRU Special Report)Thomas, SteveScience Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex1993MayBook
Energy Poverty and Access Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of RegionalismNalule, Victoria R.Palgrave Macmillan2019Book
Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy ChallengesSzulecki, KacperPalgrave Macmillan2018Book
Energy Security in the Era of Climate Change: The Asia-Pacific ExperienceAnceschi, Luca; Symons, JonathanPalgrave Macmillan2012Book
Energy Storage for Power SystemsTer-Gazarian, A.Peter Peregrinus Ltd1994Book
Energy Strategy and Corporate PlanningThe Energy Comission1977Book
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, Godfrey; Everett, Bob; Ramage, JaneOxford University Press2003Book
Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable FutureBoyle, Godfrey; Everett, Bob; Peake, Stephen; Ramage, JaneOxford University Press2012Book
Energy Transitions and the Future of Gas in the EU: Subsidise or DecarboniseMete, GokcePalgrave Macmillan2020Book