
Climate Change 2001: The scientific basis

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Houghton, JT & others

    Publisher Cambridge University Press

    Medium Book

    Climate, environment and development > Global climate issues


    Climate change

    Scope & contentAmazon:
    Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific assessment of past, present and future climate change. The report:
    • Analyses an enormous body of observations of all parts of the climate system.
    • Catalogues increasing concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases.
    • Assesses our understanding of the processes and feedbacks which govern the climate system.
    • Projects scenarios of future climate change using a wide range of models of future emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols.
    • Makes a detailed study of whether a human influence on climate can be identified.
    • Suggests gaps in information and understanding that remain in our knowledge of climate change and how these might be addressed.

    This latest IPCC assessment will again form the standard scientific reference for all concerned with climate change and its consequences, including students and researchers in all aspects of environmental and atmospheric science, and policymakers in governments and industry worldwide.

    A PDF of the volume is publicly available see website link
    Web URL

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    Accession no. 230712

    • Shelf location: F700-HOU
    • Donor: David Elliott