Transactions of the Third symposium of The International Molinological Society Netherlands 1973


Good quality second-hand copies

Papers from the third of a renowned series of symposia on every aspect of mills and milling by contributors from around the world.

Topics of presented papers:

waterwheels ( Great Britain )
postmill ( England )
Ster snuff and spice mill ( Netherlands, The )
mill terms ( Netherlands, The / Germany )
hollow-postmills ( France (Anjou) )
post and tower mills ( France )
windmill conservation ( Netherlands, The )
wind, water and horse mills ( South Africa )
wind engines ( England )
combined wind and horse mill ( Denmark )
mills ( Netherlands, The (North Brabant) )
windmill: composite ( world-wide )
wind and watermill inventory ( France (Nord) )
drying kilns ( Great Britain )
mills conservation ( Denmark )
boat mills ( France )
tide mills ( France )
moulin pendant ( Europe )
watermills: sugar and olive ( Israel )
drainage mills ( Netherlands, The )
windmill: 8-sailed ( Finland )

5 in stock

  • Author(s): Various authors
  • Publisher: TIMS
  • Publication year: 1973
SKU: TIMAT3 Categories: ,