
Ars molendi; Macine e macinazione: una tradizione antica

    Full details

    English titleArs molendi; Mills and grinding: an ancient tradition
    Authors & editors

    Greenwood, Pamela

    Publisher Padova University Press

    English (main text)
    Italian (main text)

    Medium Digital

    Energy & power > Muscle power
    Energy & power > Ancient & medieval technology & industry


    Scope & contentThis year marks the 30th Anniversary of the international symposium on milling, Korn und Mahlsteine/ Il Grano e le macine. It was held at Schloß Tirol (Castle Tyrol, the South Tyrolean Museum of Culture and Provincial History), 6–9 October 1993 and followed by an exhibition of the same name (27 April – 24 July 1994). Both featured milling equipment and techniques, cereal cultivation, diet, palaeobotany and the development of agriculture from the late Stone Age until the Early Medieval period; the exhibition focussed on South Tyrol in Northern Italy.

    Gathered here is a miscellany of milling papers, two of which were part of the original proposed publication of the 1993 symposium while some are later papers added in the 2010s. The remaining authors have revised their texts to various degrees over the last year. Topics reflect the themes of the symposium and exhibition.
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