
Rex Wailes Collection. A remarkable man and some remarkable sketches

    Full details

    Authors & editors

    Hodge, Nathanael [Author]

    Publisher Milling & Grain
    Year of publication 2021 August

    Medium Digital

    People and communities > Biographies & tributes
    Arts, culture and heritage > Collections of importance


    The Mills Archive Trust

    Scope & contentIn the Rex Wailes collection at the Mills Archive, there is a file of correspondence between Rex and the editor of Milling, the predecessor to Milling and Grain. In 1954 Rex undertook to supply monthly articles on milling themes to the magazine.

    It seems that the monthly articles only lasted until mid-1955, but the correspondence continues to 1959 with Rex supplying occasional articles and photographs as well as assisting in replying to enquiries from readers. The publication “Milling” also reviewed his book, The English Windmill, published 1954.

    Identifying these articles in old copies of Milling is complicated by the fact that the author of the article was not usually indicated at the time, however one example I’ve found which is almost certainly from Rex is an article in the July 1958 issue entitled “About Windmills”, which opens with an obituary of “a remarkable man who deserves the remembrance of all millers,” regarding a Mr John Russell of Union Windmill, Cranbrook… Read more.


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