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Author index

 #  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Name Years Publication count
Faden, William 1
Fairbairn, Raymond A 2
Fairbairn, William 5
Fairclough, K R 2
Falconer, Keith A 2
Falnes, Johannes 1
Fanning, Gerry 1
Farenc, Emile 1
Farey, John 1
Farley, Michael 1
Farmer, David 1
Farnell, Mary 1
Farnie, D A 1
Farrant, Sue 1
Farrell, Eugene P 2
Farries, Kenneth G 6
Farrow, Frank 1
Fasham, Peter 1
Faulkner, Alan 1
Faustus, Verancsics 1
Fawcett, Edward R 1
Fawcett, Raymond 1
Featherstone, Alan 2
Feekman, Joris 1
Fell, Alfred 1
Ferenc, Wathay 1
Ferguson, Eugene S 3
Ferguson, Robert 1
Fernando, Sunith 1
Ferrin, Keith 1
Ferroukhi, Rabia 1
Field, Jack 1
Field, Jane 1
Field, Michael 3
Field, Tania 1
Fielding, Shena 1
Fierro, Alfred 1
Figuier, Louis 1
Fijnekam, Leen 1
Filby, Peter 1
Filmer, Don F 1
Finch, Maurice Lawson 2
Fink, Dan 1
Finke, Hans-Joachim 1
Fischer, David Hackett 1
Fischer, Ruth 1
Fischer, Walther 1
Fisher, A 1
Fisher, Jonah 2
Fitzgerald, Ron 1
Fitzgerald, William G. 1
Flahaut, Roland 1
Flaherty, Michael 1
Flatt, F Washington 1
Flavell, Neville 1
Fleetwood, David 1
Fleming, Sue 1
Fletcher, John C 1
Fleurot, Sandrine 1
Flint, Brian 3
Flood, Michael 2
Föhl, Axel 2
Foing, Yannick 1
Fontana, Massimo Tozzi 1
Forbes, R J 1
Ford, Ben M 1
Ford, Bob 1
Ford, Chris 1
Ford, Joy 1
Foreman, Wilfred 1
Foresti, Fabio 1
Forster, Elborg 1
Forster, Robert 1
Fortune, David 1
Foster, D 1
Foster, John 1
Fowell, G M 1
Fowkes, Dudley 1
Fowler, H W 2
Fowler, Martin 1
Fox, Len 1
Foxon, Fred 1
Fradgley, Nigel 1
Fraenkel, Peter 14
Frago Gracia, Juan A 1
Frame III, Robert M 3
France, Linda Gail 1
Francis, James B 1
Francis, James J 2
Francis-Legg, Hayden 1
Franke, Rudolf 1
Frankel, Rafael 1
Frankl, Paolo 1
Franzke, Jürgen 2
Frazier, P J 1
Freedman, Alan 1
Freeman, M Diane 2
Freeman, Pat 1
Frees, Horst 1
Freese, Stanley (1902–1972) 7
Freinet, C 1
Freris, Leon L 2
Freyre, Gilberto 1
Fricker, Jean 1
Frieke, Hans 1
Friemerding, Wolfgang 1
Friesen, Herbert F 1
Fritsch, E 1
Fritsch, J 1
Fritz, Gerhard 1
Frode, Edelgard 1
Frode, Wolfgang 3
Frode-Ellert, Wolfgang 1
Frost, Bee 2
Frost, Richard 1
Fthenakis, Vasilis 1
Fuchs, Thomas 1
Fuchs, V 1
Fuentes, José-María 1
Fuentes, Marisa J 1
Fuller, John G. 1
Fuller, M J 3
Fuller, P E 1
Funnell, Barré 2
Fyfield-Shayler, B A 1