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VERDI Launch Report

Author: Carole Leith As of September 2009 the University of Kent at Canterbury have made available online thousands more images from their resources. The Versatile Digitisation Framework project [VERDI] was funded under the Enriching Digital Resources strand of the JISC Digitisation Programme. Whew… well that’s the official description, but actually the VERDI launch was one…

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TIMS has updated its website

Author: Wiard Beek We have updated our Mills & More page to include advice for Europeans see: All about mills….Mill related merchandise) If you live in Europe, you will get faster service using our bookshop on the Mills Archive site at Prices are quoted in Pounds and in Euros. Shipping and handling costs, based on…

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Tide Mill Institute Conference 2009

Author: Earl Taylor The Tide Mill Conference for 2009 is scheduled for Friday, Saturday November 6-7, 2009. The venue will be the Dorchester Historical Society’s William Clapp House at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester (Boston), MA in the USA The Tide Mill Institute, under the auspices of The Dorchester Historical Society will host the fifth Annual…

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Oldland Mill Granary Reprieve

Author: Philip Hicks I was pleased to hear that the Oldland mill granary conversion application was turned down on Thursday night. It was very close and we seemed to be losing until the very end when there was a surprise turnaround. The Oldland Mill Trust publicised the plans in February – see The owners of…

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Millwrights’ Memories

I was just entering details of this book on our Internet shop, when I came across the chapter “Millwrights’ Memories”. Can someone point me in the direction of other similar sources? The chapter transcribes in some detail interviews recorded between 1969 and 1980. Thirty eight pages are devoted to the reminiscences of: Alf SpainPhilip HancockGordon…

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Radio 4 programme featuring the late Ken Major

Ken Major will feature on BBC Radio 4’s “Last Word” this Friday 21 August at 4pm Matthew Bannister presents the obituary series, analysing and celebrating the life stories of people who have recently died. The programme reflects on people of distinction and interest from many walks of life, some famous and some less well known.Ken’s…

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