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Ötzi the Iceman

Those of you who have read Lydia’s blog will know that we visited Reading Museum this week to see the display currently on view with items from the Mills Archive. We brought back a couple of items that related to our projects. For me, this was a book of clippings from the Cornwell collection that…

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What is a beehive quern?

On Monday we paid a visit to Reading Museum, so Hannah and I could see some more of the Archive’s collection that was on display, and see if there was anything we could use for our projects. We weren’t disappointed! The exhibition case is jam-packed with information and artefacts detailing the history of milling, and…

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Lydia’s second week…

Hello again everyone! I have finished my 2nd week here at the Archive and have been thoroughly enjoying myself already. It’s hard to believe how quickly time has passed since my first day! I started the week looking through the Archive’s vast collection of postcards, many of which dating from the early 20th century to…

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Hello from the new intern!

Hello everyone! My name is Lydia and I’m the Mills Archive’s new intern for the summer! Like many before me I came to the Archive through the Reading University Internship Scheme, after finishing my 2nd year of studying History. The experience of working with historical material first-hand in my 1st year of university definitely sparked…

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