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Whitmore & Binyon – The Answer?

Author: Chris Wheeler In my blog from April 1st, I asked the question ‘Whatever happened to Whitmore & Binyon?’, and expressed the hope that after going through Peter’s notes and documents on the subject, I would be in some position to answer that question to a certain degree. Well, for the past month or so…

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Coincidence or Not? – Southwold

Author: Chris Wheeler Further to my blog on Whitmore & Binyon, I have been working hard on Peter’s Collection for the past three weeks. During that time I have come across some interesting discoveries. One of these was a mill that I came across in Peter’s collection recently, namely Smith & Girling’s Steam Mill in…

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From Crop to Crust event, Sat 16th April, Stratford-upon-Avon

Author: Jonathan Cook You may be interested in Dan Lepard’s article on his website about the Crop to Crust Conference. Below, please find a link! Dan says, “This Saturday 16th April I’ll be speaking at “From Crop to Crust” conference, aiming to encourage more bakers to use the flour milled at their local windmills and…

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Whatever happened to Whitmore and Binyon?

Author: Chris Wheeler This is a question I have been asking all week. Having worked for 2 weeks on the partly indexed material on Lincolnshire and Suffolk windmills in Peter Dolman’s collection, this week I have turned my attention to Peter’s material on Whitmore and Binyon. None of this material has yet been catalogued or…

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Peter Dolman Collection gets full-time attention

Author: Chris Wheeler The Mills Archive welcomes Chris Wheeler, seen here with established volunteers Talbot Green and Colin Mitchell. He will be following in the footsteps of Ken Kirsopp and Suzy Talbot by working on Peter’s huge collection. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Chris Wheeler, and I am one of five hundred…

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