Author: Ron Cookson

Mills Archive new accessions

Each year we shall be providing the National Archives with a list of material that we have received. The latest...

Urgent alert – threat to Croydon Archives

Archives for London reports that, “Once again the Croydon Archives are under threat from closure”, and “The Consultation closes at...

Fancy painting a mill?

Here might be a good place to start. William Hill has pointed out that there are 1780 mill paintings only...

Vampire scare at a mill

Vampire alert issued by Serbian council: a municipal council in western Serbia has reportedly issued a public health warning claiming...

Mills Archive Heritage Survey

Our survey of Mills Archive users attracted a very encouraging 35% response rate and the results were impressively consistent. Four...

Last chance for that prize and to have your say!

The response to our request for your views has been heartening. If you have not yet got round to it,...

Windmill book reduced

To mark the second anniversary of the publication of his book on Much Wenlock windmill, the author has cut the...

Which Archive services are most important? – we need your help

A chance to win a £30 book token is on offer to anyone prepared to spend 5 minutes or so...

Is nothing safe?

Archivist leads attack on museum pieces sale. The Brent and Whetstone Press reports that “bosses at Barnet Museum, in Wood...

Windy Miller never behaved properly

The East Anglian Mill Society have produced a big publicity boost in time for Heritage Open Days this week. Steve...
