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Urgent alert – threat to Croydon Archives

Archives for London reports that, “Once again the Croydon Archives are under threat from closure”, and “The Consultation closes at midnight on 15th January which is a Tuesday”. Croydon Council’s proposal is to reduce the Croydon archives to the ‘statutory minimum’ and thereby save £105,000, which would mean the loss of its staff and effective…

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Mills Archive Heritage Survey

Our survey of Mills Archive users attracted a very encouraging 35% response rate and the results were impressively consistent. Four separate areas of our activity were covered: the physical amenities we offer, our Internet services, the content of our collections and our education and outreach services. The top results in each category were: The most important amenities…

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Is nothing safe?

Archivist leads attack on museum pieces sale. The Brent and Whetstone Press reports that “bosses at Barnet Museum, in Wood Street, Barnet, have accused the council of betraying people’s trust by selling off hundreds of items donated to the museum by residents.” Dr Gillian Gear, the Museum Archivist, feels that the council are showing a lack of…

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