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Win £500 – two weeks until the deadline

A final reminder that the Mills Archive’s successful research competition is running for the second time, and proposed titles must be submitted by the 1st December 2013. Completed entries must be submitted by 31st May 2014 and the winning submissions will be announced by 31st July 2014. Two prizes are offered. The Research Prize of £500…

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Arthur C. Smith, 1924-2013, RIP

Arthur died on Tuesday 18th June at a residential home in Newton Abbot. A polymath with strong interests in windmills, music, natural history and aeroplanes, he was the fittest of mill researchers and will be mourned by many. As author and publisher of the definitive “county” series of windmill books, covering many of the windmills…

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The Mills of Ickleford

An exhibition at St Katherine’s Church, Ickleford, Hertfordshire, will be held on June 22nd and 23rd. The exhibition will include photographs and painting of the mills and a timeline showing significant events in their history back to Domesday. Progress on the archaeology and historical research on Hyde mill will also be displayed. More information can…

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Hot off the press!

An important and unusual book, “Mapping the windmill” represents a new approach to the literature of mills and the sheer quirkiness of the treatment meted out to windmills by the Ordnance Survey. Published in March 2013, this heavy book is available online and you can save postage by buying it at the SPAB Mills Section meeting on Saturday…

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