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The Mills Archive becomes a nationally accredited archive!

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded archive accreditation by the National Archives. The badge of accreditation is national recognition for the quality of our work caring for the vulnerable records of milling history. Accreditation is the UK standard which recognises good performance in all areas of caring for historic records and…

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Sacrewell Mill wins Project of the Year at regional awards

A £1.8m restoration of an 18th century grade II* listed watermill near Peterborough won Project of the Year at the East of England Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) awards last week. The photo shows Mill Project Officer Jane Harrison and Learning & Interpretation Officer Nikki Cherry with their awards outside Sacrewell Mill. Sacrewell Mill…

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Helping people at mills to care for their own collections

Last week we ran another of our training workshops called “Caring for your Collection”. This workshop was attended by people from a number of mills, who were looking for advice and the chance to build their own links in the mill world and share ideas. Our Archivist Nathanael Hodge started the day with a series…

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