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International Women’s Day: Women on War Work

Today is International Women’s Day. We thought it fitting to highlight one example of the contribution that women have made to milling. Inspiration for this blog comes from Lydia, our intern in 2017 who was exploring the Archive for items that are particularly special. The gem she found is a cigarette card dating back to…

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The Mills Archive Trust wins National Lottery support

I am delighted to announce that the Archive has received £95,300 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for an exciting project, ‘Succession Breeds Success’. Made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, the project will focus on transforming the charity in three strategic areas so that the rare milling records we care for continue…

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Treasures hidden in binbags

To celebrate #GivingTuesday, each week we will highlight a collection available for adoption. This week we are featuring the Armfield Drawings Collection. Yellowing, torn and crumpled, this collection comprises hundreds of attractive drawings of milling machinery. Created by the millwrighting and engineering firm Armfield between the 1870s-1920s, these documents provide valuable information about the construction…

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Building windmills on top of watermills: The Derek Ogden Collection

To celebrate #GivingTuesday, we are highlighting a collection available for adoption. Today’s collection is the Derek Ogden Collection. A millwright for many years, Derek repaired mills throughout the UK until he moved to the USA in 1974, continuing his mill work across the pond. His life’s work is documented in detail in the notes, photographs…

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The treasure trove that is our Antiquarian Book Collection

To celebrate #GivingTuesday, each week we are highlighting a collection available for adoption. Today’s collection is the Antiquarian Book Collection. You may not have known of it, but here at the Mills Archive we have a large library full of all sorts of mill-related books, covering more subjects than you could imagine. These books come…

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Rescue of one of the most important millwright collections

To celebrate #GivingTuesday, each week we will highlight a collection available for adoption. Collection adopters help secure the safety and availability of all the Archive’s images and documents for generations to come. Today’s highlighted collection is the Vincent Pargeter Collection. One of the most admired millwrights in recent years, Vincent’s sudden death shocked the mills…

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