
Over the last few years, public awareness of gluten has become far greater. Gluten is the combination of two proteins glutenin and gliadin which are combined when flour is mixed with water. This provides both structure and elasticity to the dough.

When the dough is kneaded these protein strands are stretched and interlinked to form a strong elastic network. This network traps air which helps the bread to rise. The gluten present in wheat flour is particularly effective at this. However around 1% of the population suffer from Coeliac disease, a very serious autoimmune disease affected by the presence of gluten. The immune system mistakes gluten for a harmful substance, which triggers a response attacking the surface of the small intestine and stopping the absorption of vitamins. Currently there is no treatment for this; it lasts for a lifetime, and the only thing an individual can do is to avoid gluten in their diet completely. 

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