Author: Doug Cairns, Rob Cumming, Peter Frazer, Bob Paterson and Adam Marriott
New Mill, Cross-in-Hand is a Grade II listed windmill in East Sussex, England. Built in the early 19th Century she was the last windmill working by wind commercially in Sussex, ceasing in 1969. Since then her condition has deteriorated to the point where she is now in need of immediate repair work to save her from collapse. Your donation will help preserve what is considered by many to be one of the finest examples of an English Post Mill.

What We Need & What You Get
For this first stage of restoration we require £3,000. This money will go towards repairs to the trestle of the mill which has become dangerously weak, with the mill now being perilously close to collapse. The repairs to the trestle will strengthen the mill and eliminate any immediate danger of the mill collapsing, and prolong the current life of the mill by at least 20 to 30 years pending full restoration.
If we don’t manage to hit the full goal, the money raised will still go towards funding this first minor stage of repair which is the construction of a temporary support structure for the trestle.
The Impact
More and more mills in England are being lost each year to decay and conversion, with your help we can preserve this fine example for the enjoyment of future generations.
Risks & Challenges
A project such as this is a huge undertaking requiring specialist knowledge. A professional millwright has been contracted to undertake the work and has already drawn up plans for the first few stages of repair work.
Once all the major structural repair work has been done, a team of enthusiasts will continue with the minor repair work such as replacing the wooden cladding on the mill body. All work done will be to a high standard of authenticity, replacing damaged and rotten material only where necessary and keeping as much of the original fabric as possible.
Other Ways You Can Help
Every little bit helps; however, if you are unable to donate money, you can help spread the word by sharing this Indiegogo campaign. Please help by clicking here and making a donation