From one mill stalwart to another

Volunteer Tom Hine has just found a postcard in our unsorted material involving two mill heavyweights – none other than Syd Simmons and Donald Muggeridge.

Poster Image

The postcard, depicting the intriguingly-sailed Haverhill Mill, was sent in August 1933 to Syd Simmons, from none other than fellow mill enthusiast and photographer Donald Muggeridge.

Donald remarks upon the disappointing, thundery weather he’s experienced so far on his holiday, and how he thought that Syd would enjoy a picture of the mill in working order, rather than derelict as Donald found it when he passed by.

Syd had already taken some photos of the mill but only in its derelict state. You can see some of these images on our online catalogue.

It’s gems like this postcard that when spotted, help to tell a story and are added to the relevant collection – in this case the HES Simmons Collection. We also have the Donald Muggeridge Collection.


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