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Whirly Windmills

Author: Sussex Miller

A representative of a mill in Sussex has commented that they are having problems with the quality of the ‘Whirly Windmills’ obtained from a supplier based in London. Often they do not fit together, and do not rotate easily and they are finding that about two out of a box of twelve are not saleable and this removes our profit from the sales of them.

Poster Image

They are also unhappy with the items offered by the supplier, they are becoming very shoddy. They used to be able to get Pens and Pencils with the mill name.

This is a great shame as Whirly Windmills are very popular with children.

We would be interested to hear details of companies supplying souvenirs (in particular whirly windmills) to windmills and watermills across the company who score well on both quality and price.

As this is a public forum and thus not the best place to name-and-shame or indeed to offer glowing testimonials, by all means e-mail suggestions directly to sussexmillsgroup – at –