Author: Luke Bonwick
Nutley windmill is only one of a series of mills whose restoration is featured in great detail in Frank Gregory Online. Twelve others are detailed in Frank’s biography, written and published as part of the project.

Bob Bonnett commented on the restoration:
“Without Frank’s enthusiasm and expert help this would not have been possible nor achieved. He remained in close contact with us in life and, in death, some of his ashes were scattered at the mill. Nutley Mill is one of only five mills of this type in the country and now the only one working.”
The image shows Frank and a colleague turning the restored mill to face the wind. It is one of many in various slideshows available on the website. Details may be found at also provides links to the other restoration projects.
You can find out more about Frank Gregory Online at It is well worth a look – more than 32,000 items catalogued and freely available to the public.
Our thanks go to the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Sussex MIlls Group, the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum and the Trustees of the Mills Archive Trust for providing funding. My personal thanks go to all the many volunteers who helped on the project and made it so enjoyable.
Luke Bonwick, FGOL Project Leader