Impact on mills of proposed legislation to fortify flour with folic acid

Author: Jonathan Cook

The Traditional Cornmillers’ Guild asserts that implementation of proposed legislation may cause wind and water mills to have to cease flour production risking their future viability.

Guild accepts there may be a scientific case for fortification of some flours to reduce such incidences but without an opt out from the proposed legislation, the future of commercial & volunteer run wind and water mills is put in serious jepardy as they are prevented from selling traditional stoneground flour.

We risk losing a future for an industry which is enjoying something of a renaissance:

  • Sales of artisan flour have never been stronger and have beaten the recession
  • Interest in Real Bread (see Real Bread Campaign) and Artisan Baking is booming
  • Many local schemes are setting up to develop sustainable networks to grow local wheat, mill locally and bake locally

This legislation presents a serious restriction on our trade as traditional millers.

Cost of Equipment Plus installation = ballpark total cost between £30–40,000

Building Listing prevents installation of equipment.

  • Most traditional mills are listed Grade 2* / Grade 1 or Scheduled Ancient Monuments
  • Not acceptable to listing authorities to install equipment required
  • Mills often do not have the space

For a detailed argument see the related article below.


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