Author: Geoff Holman and Rob Cumming
There has been a lot interest in the formation of a new group, mainly from postings on the Mills Archive website. We are calling ourselves the Kent Mills Society to differentiate us from the previous Kent group which ceased to exist some time ago.

Until we are properly formed with a working committee, the Mills Archive has kindly agreed for us to use its address for correspondence. We have also set up an email address at which we are endeavouring to check daily. The general aim of the Society will be to raise awareness, and help protect Kent mills by research and recording existing and past mill sites, by producing appropriate publications to inform members and the general public.
The following are some suggestions that have been made as to what we can do as a Society, and the activities people can enjoy by becoming a member.
- Increase members’ enjoyment of all topics concerning mills and milling by meeting like-minded people. This can be at the regular meetings held, when there will be lectures on mill-related topics, or by joining organised visits to mills. An annual garden party at a mill would also give members the opportunity to meet up.
- If invited, we might assist in the opening and running of mills, and support working parties at mills.
- Provide members with a practical milling experience if this can be organised.
- Record surviving mills in Kent in co-operation with the Mills Archive.
- Co-ordinate and assist in the historical, technical and social research of mills and milling in Kent.
- Publish the results of any research and restoration in a professional manner.
- Notify SPAB of any threats to mills we come across.
- Stimulate public awareness of mills and the need for preservation and restoration.
- Assist in the preparation, and support applications for grant aid for the restoration of mills, including applications to the Lottery Fund in conjunction with the SPAB.
- Support, actively and financially (if we generate funds), the restoration and conservation of mills.
- Start a restoration fund to assist specific restoration or preservation projects at mills in Kent, by organising fund raising activities and seeking donations.
- Provide a contact point for people requiring information on Kent mills e.g. researchers.
- Publish a regular newsletter.
Membership of the Society will be open to anybody interested in our aims and objectives, and who pays the membership fee of £12 per annum, payable on 1st Jan each year.
Rob is getting together an inaugural newsletter, which we hope to publish in the New Year. Its format will depend on funds raised by joining members. We intend to arrange an inaugural meeting, probably in the early part of 2010, with invited speakers, when volunteers will be recruited to form a committee to take the Society forward. An outline constitution is being prepared.
Please consider completing and returning the membership form (see related article beow). If you do not want to join at the moment but would like to be kept informed, please send us an email at