Author: Rob Cumming & Geoff Holman
Following the earlier discussion on Mill Writing and and a very successful meeting at The Black Windmill, Whitstable, we have been encouraged to set up a new Kent Mills Society. The aims of the Society are to raise awareness and help protect Kent mills by research and recording existing and past mill sites and producing publications.

To find out more, please email us at
We already have 15 members and we intend to send out our inaugural “bumper” newsletter early in the New Year.
If you would like to help in any way, please get in touch. All offers and suggestions gratefully received!
One suggestion we have already had is “The Society should increase members’ enjoyment of all topics concerning mills and milling by meeting like-minded people. We should organise mill tours and lectures and have an annual Garden Party at a mill!” . What do you think?
Rob & Geoff