Cap for Murphy windmill in Golden Gate Park

Author: Peter King

Via a couple of small images on Flickr (1 and 2), I see that the cap for the Murphy windmill that is being rebuilt in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, appears to have arrived on site in the park.

The Campaign to Save the Golden Gate Park Windmills is fairly quiet on progress, but does note if you delve deeply enough that the cap was indeed expected back from the Dutch millwrights Verbij Hoogmade this fall (autumn), and that a Dutch-born San Franciscan, Mark de Jong, is scheduled to reassemble its tower ready to take the cap once again. Everything is due to be completed within the year 2009.

More details on both the windmills in the park, which were built to pump water for irrigation, can be found on my Windmill World page about Californian windmills.


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