We promote the work of our renewable energy and sustainable sponsors, revealing the urgency of change by rooting it in the progress of the past.
We are partnering with renewable energy companies and environmentally friendly businesses to promote this history and your work in our outreach.

Caring for the world’s largest archive and library dedicated to milling history, the Mills Archive Trust has built a growing community nationwide. Heritage institutions and thousands of interested readers are ready to be shown the opportunities for a greener future. From wind and watermills to turbines and solar power, we engage them with the history of sustainable energy and crafts. Our outreach materials offer you a unique medium to tell our audience about your part in this history, including:
- 150,000 annual visitors to our website.
- 5,000 subscribers to our weekly e-newsletters and monthly Renewable Roots articles, including custodians of heritage institutions and mills.
- 700 recipients of our biannual Mill Memories magazine, also available online. With your help, we will increase this to over 1,000.
- Heritage institutions nationwide and a major national conservation society.

Your impact

You are committed to sustainability, while not becoming distracted from what matters the most to you: your business. You are collaborative and are excited at the prospect of joining a network that approaches a big problem from a unique angle, helping to make it a success.
Sponsoring our work will grow the promotion opportunities for your business. Our interns and volunteers continually expand our audience by writing articles, creating online exhibitions and cataloguing archival records on new sustainability topics.
From preserving the history of renewable energy to endangered craft skills, these stories attract the audience interested in your work. Your support will allow our volunteers and interns to gain the experience they need to preserve humanity’s collective memory in heritage institutions across the country.
Our tiered partnerships will help you to reach the segment of our audience that is right for you.
Tier one: £500 | Tier two: £1,500 | Tier three: £3,000 |
Feature your logo on the back cover of an issue of Mill Memories. | Everything in tier one. | Everything in tiers one and two. |
Feature your 150-word article in Renewable Roots. | Feature a 250-word article in Mill Memories. | We will help pitch your articles to the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, established in 1877 by the renowned textile designer, William Morris. |
Promote your work in our social media platforms three times a year. | Expand your visibility among our network of milling history groups. | Feature your work on our website for a year, reaching our audience of 150,000 annual visitors. |
Get in touch
If you are interested in joining the Sustainability Network, email us at friends@millsarchive.org. Alternatively, you can call at 0118 950 2052.