Priority Collections
Getting our priorities in order With 286 collections in our archive, ranging from 1 to over 200 boxes in size, it is important for us
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Getting our priorities in order With 286 collections in our archive, ranging from 1 to over 200 boxes in size, it is important for us
Last Friday, Talbot Green, a stalwart volunteer, reached a milestone – uploading the 3500th press cutting onto our Archive Catalogue. It recorded a significant event
Author: Chris Wheeler In my blog from April 1st, I asked the question ‘Whatever happened to Whitmore & Binyon?’, and expressed the hope that after
Author: Chris Wheeler Further to my blog on Whitmore & Binyon, I have been working hard on Peter’s Collection for the past three weeks. During
Author: Chris Wheeler This is a question I have been asking all week. Having worked for 2 weeks on the partly indexed material on Lincolnshire
Author: Chris Wheeler The Mills Archive welcomes Chris Wheeler, seen here with established volunteers Talbot Green and Colin Mitchell. He will be following in the