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Showing results for isle of wight:


COLERoberttpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1802
John & James COOPERcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1802
John & James COOPERcompanyMillersWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1799-04
JEFFERYJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1821
AGRIFOR PRODUCTS LtdcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1951
ALLENRichardpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1755
ANDREWSJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB18441851
ANDREWSJamespersonOwnerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1852-10
Henry & Thomas LILLYWHITEcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1891
Henry & Thomas LILLYWHITEcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1881
Henry & 2 brothers LILLYWHITEcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1861
BALLARDPhilippersonMerchWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1790 c.
BALLARDPhilippersonTenantWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1781
GARLENRichardpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1841
GARLANDJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1893
GARLANDRichardpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1841
FLEMINGEdwpersonTenantWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1700-07-15
COOPERJohnpersonCarpWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1797-11
COOPERMarypersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1816
COOPERJohnpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1820
COOPERWilliam s JohnpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1829
COOPERGeorgepersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1830
COOPERJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB18571861
DENNETTpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1865-08-02
COOPERJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1862-01
COOPERCharlespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1891
BAGNELLStephenpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1891
RIDGLEYWilliampersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1841
RIDGLEYWilliampersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1851
WOODSMorrispersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1871
PERRYJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1786
William & s Leonard SOUTERcompanyMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1895
WHITEJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1817
PERRYJamespersonTenantWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1781
PERRYJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1755
PERRYJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1750 c.
LANGTONMillicent w JohnpersonOwnerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1774
LILLYWHITEHenrypersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1871
LILLYWHITEHenrypersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1888
LILLYWHITEThomas 's w JanepersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1892
LISLEEdwardpersonOwnerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1690-04-26
LISLEEdwardpersonTenantWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1700-07-15
SOUTERWilliam s JohnpersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1881
VICKJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1805
SOUTERWilliampersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1884
VICKJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1795-11
VICKJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1789
SOUTERWilliampersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1909
SOUTERLeonard s WilliampersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB19091923
MERWOODJamespersonMillerWootton Bridge MillIsle of WightGB1870-07

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