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Archive records

"The Island's last windmill"1 press cuttingBembridge Mill, Bembridge; Hampshire; England; United KingdomTower mills
"Windmill preserved"1 press cuttingBembridge Mill, Bembridge; Hampshire; England; United KingdomRestoration; Tower mills
"New sweep for Bembridge Windmill"1 press cuttingBembridge Mill, Bembridge; Hampshire; England; United KingdomSails; Tower mills
Restoration work on Bembridge Windmill1 press cuttingBembridge Mill, Bembridge; Hampshire; England; United KingdomRestoration; Tower mills
"How the Island's surviving windmill was saved"1 press cuttingBembridge Mill, Bembridge; Hampshire; England; United KingdomRestoration; Mill conversions; Tower mills
"Man who will fish from bedroom"1 press cuttingMill sales; Mill conversions
Hampshire/Isle of Wight/Channel Islands12 prints and 12 negativesDunn, Michael (1916-1993)
Slides of Yafford Mill, Isle of Wight35 colour slidesBuckland, John Stephen Percy (1935-2006), mill researcherYafford Mill, Yafford; Hampshire; England; United KingdomWatermills
Slides of Yafford Mill, Isle of WIght and Wimbledon Windmill35 colour slidesBuckland, John Stephen Percy (1935-2006), mill researcherYafford Mill, Yafford; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Wimbledon Windmill, Wimbledon Common; SurreyWatermills; Hollow-post mills
Slides of Upper Mill, Calbourne37 colour slidesBuckland, John Stephen Percy (1935-2006), mill researcherUpper Mill, Calbourne; Hampshire; England; United KingdomQuerns; Watermills
Shirley Kirsopp Collection7 albums, 3 boxesKirsopp, Shirley
Isle of Wight Mills Volume 4Collection of documentsKirsopp, ShirleyBridgecourt Mill, Godshill; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Lower Mill, Calbourne; Rock Mill, Mottistone; Upper Mill, Calbourne; Watermill, Alverstone; Gatcombe Mill, Gatcombe; Knighton Mill, Newchurch; Lower Knighton Mill, NewchurchWatermills
Isle of Wight Mills Volume 5Collection of documentsKirsopp, ShirleyLower Mill, Shide; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Yafford Mill, Yafford; Southford Mill, Whitwell; Upper Mill, Shide; Watermill, Shalfleet; Watermill, Shorewell; Watermill, Ventnor; Unindexed millFulling mills; Watermills
Isle of Wight Mills Volume 3Collection of documentsKirsopp, ShirleyPan Mill, Newport; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Towngate Mill, NewportWatermills
Isle of Wight Mills Volume 6Collection of documentsKirsopp, ShirleyFord Mill, Newport; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Kent's Mill, CarisbrookeWatermills
Isle of Wight Mills Volume 2Collection of documentsKirsopp, ShirleyTide mill, East Medina; Hampshire; England; United Kingdom; Tide mill, St Helens; Tide mill, Wootton; Tide mill, Yarmouth; West Medina Mill, NewportTide mills
Other Isle of Wight materialCollection of documents
Watermills of the Isle of WightResearch notesSimmons, Herbert Edward Sydney (1901-1973), mill researcher
Windmills of the Isle of WightResearch notesSimmons, Herbert Edward Sydney (1901-1973), mill researcher

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