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Publications (Library)

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Museu Rural de Boticas: catálogoCenteno, Rui M S; Pereira, Benjamim Enes; Silva, Armando Coelho FEdições ETNOS2000Book
Open to tide mills: Proceedings of an international conferenceRiver Lea Tidal Mill Trust2000Book
Place mill: an account of the restoration of a Saxon watermillCox, Reginald A; Tyhurst, M FrankChristchurch Borough Council2000Book
Quant in the glut box on the sprattle beam: a glossary of windmill and milling termsPlastow, NormanWimbledon Windmill Museum Trust2000Book
Restoration of the Crux Easton wind engine: a report by the British EngineeriumBarratt, Claire; Minns, JonathanBritish Engineerium2000SeptemberBook
Saxtead Green post millWailes, RexEnglish Heritage2000Book
Small-scale hydropwer: Position StatementMance, GeoffEnvironment Agency2000Manuscript/Typescript
Stone quarry landscapes: the industrial archaeology of quarryingStanier, PeterTempus Publishing2000Book
Sugar And Slavery : An Economic History Of The British West IndiesSheridan, RichardUniversity Press of the West Indies2000Book
Take a closer look at Wenningdale millsHudson, PhilHudson History2000Book
Thames locksKemplay, JohnRonald Crowhurst2000Book
Thwaite mills watermillLeeds City Council2000Book
Transactions of the Tenth Symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS2000Symposium Transactions
Treales windmill: a short historyLee, Joe; Lee, ShirleyThe author2000Book
Van Zadelsteen tot Zetelkruier: 2000 jaar molens in Vlaanderen, Boek 2: Bouw en werking van de molens met natuurlijke drijfkrachtBauters, PaulProvincie Oost-Vlanderen2000Book
Vodní mlýny v Čechách 1 - 9Klempera, JosefLibri2000Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book
Water and wind powerWatts, MartinShire2000Book
Water mills and furnaces on the Yorkshire Deane and its tributariesUmpleby, TomWakefield Historical Publications2000Book
Watery Tackley: its streams and water and the Pulback millCorby, Harold D L; Hall, A RupertTackley Local History Group2000Book
Wind energy and wind turbinesNelson, VaughnAlternative Energy Institute, West Texas A&M University2000Book
Wind Energy, Building the 10%; Proceedings of the 2000 Twenty-second BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopStill, DavidProfessional Engineering Publishing2000Symposium Transactions
Windmill giants tower over Schiedam: a walking and cycling tour through historyLans, NathalieTDS Drukwerken2000Book
WindmillsBrooks, LauraMetroBooks2000Book
Windmills and millers of Stoke, IpswichOver Stoke History Group2000Book