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Journal: Twyford & Ruscombe Local History SocietyMackay, DuncanTwyford & Ruscombe Local History Society2000WinterJournal
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 15Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2000SpringDigital
Restoration of the Crux Easton wind engine: a report by the British EngineeriumBarratt, Claire; Minns, JonathanBritish Engineerium2000SeptemberBook
Denver windmillDenver Windmill Ltd2000or laterBook
Cahiers d'ecole2000November (no 2)Journal
Corn Milling in Aladington from 1800 to 1969Bates, EricThe author2000MayBook
Interpretation JournalAssociation for Heritage Interpretation2000- 2002 onlyArticle
Thames locksKemplay, JohnRonald Crowhurst2000Book
Gunpowder mills: documents of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesCrocker, Alan; Crocker, Glenys; Fairclough, K R; Wilks, M JSurrey Record Society2000Book
Allendale, Tynedale and Derwent lead minesFairbairn, Raymond ANorthern Mine Research Society2000Book
Millers and the mills of Ireland: a database list (1700-1900)Hogg, William EThe author2000Book
Millers and the mills of Ireland of about 1850: a listHogg, William EThe author2000Book
Dangerous energy: the archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufactureCocroft, WayneEnglish Heritage2000Book
Windmill giants tower over Schiedam: a walking and cycling tour through historyLans, NathalieTDS Drukwerken2000Book
Le moulin et le meunierRivals, ClaudeEditions Empreinte2000Book
Moulin: histoire d'un patrimoineRivals, ClaudeFFAM2000Book
Windmills and millers of Stoke, IpswichOver Stoke History Group2000Book
Mills around Wiveliscombe: watermill sites on the upper River Tone and Hillfarrance BrookBodman, MartinSomerset Industrial Archaeology Society2000Book
Watery Tackley: its streams and water and the Pulback millCorby, Harold D L; Hall, A RupertTackley Local History Group2000Book
Thwaite mills watermillLeeds City Council2000Book
Place mill: an account of the restoration of a Saxon watermillCox, Reginald A; Tyhurst, M FrankChristchurch Borough Council2000Book
Mill: the history and future of naturally powered buildingsLarkin, DavidUniverse2000Book
Milling JournalGrain Journal2000Journal
Milling & Baking NewsSosland Publishing Company2000Journal
Les moulins de la montagneFarenc, EmileH & B perie, Lacaune2000Book
Measured Drawings of Mascot Roller MillsBowie, John R; Kindig, SteveRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sugar And Slavery : An Economic History Of The British West IndiesSheridan, RichardUniversity Press of the West Indies2000Book
Measured Drawings of Betz's Mill and Bahr's Mill water wheelBowie, John RRessler Mill Foundation2000Offprint/Journal Supplement
Mills OpenWoodward-Nutt, JamesSPAB2000Book
Brakedrum windmill plansPiggott, HughPicoturbine Press2000Book
Wind energy and wind turbinesNelson, VaughnAlternative Energy Institute, West Texas A&M University2000Book
Engineering in the ancient worldLandels, J GConstable & Robinson Ltd2000Book
Small-scale hydropwer: Position StatementMance, GeoffEnvironment Agency2000Manuscript/Typescript
"We had everything..." Recollections of a Kent Village. Leigh 1900-2000Rowley, ChrisChristopher Rowley2000Book
Conference Papers for the Tenth Symposium of The International Molinological SocietyButler, JaneTIMS2000Symposium Transactions
Vodní mlýny v Čechách 1 - 9Klempera, JosefLibri2000Book
Hollingwood CanalFanning, GerryNeil Richardson2000Book
Wind Energy, Building the 10%; Proceedings of the 2000 Twenty-second BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopStill, DavidProfessional Engineering Publishing2000Symposium Transactions
Quant in the glut box on the sprattle beam: a glossary of windmill and milling termsPlastow, NormanWimbledon Windmill Museum Trust2000Book
County maps of Jefferys and Bryant: Buckinghamshire in the 1760s and 1820sBryant, A; Jefferys, Thomas; Laxton, PaulBuckinghamshire Archaeological Society2000Book
Information: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und MühlenerhaltungAnon, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2000Book
Deutsche Mühlentag Pfingstmontag 2000Horstmann, Karl; Vogt, HansDeutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2000Book
Die Höltermann’sche Wassermühle in DammeFriemerding, Wolfgang; Wormuth, RüdigerMühlenvereinigung Niedersachsen - Bremen2000Book
Ancient hamlet of Beeleigh2000Book
Mit der Kraft von Wind und WasserWessling, HartmutSchlütersche2000Book
WindmillsBrooks, LauraMetroBooks2000Book
Die Wasserversorgung in der Renaissancezeit, Band 5Balestracci, Duccio; Bauer, Albert; Hoffman, AlbrechtPhilipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein2000Book
Vorgeschichtliche Reibsteine aus der Umgebung von MayenHoltmeyer-Wild, VeraVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz2000Book
Dilo a zivot mlynaru a sekerniku v Cechach: historie a technika vodnich a vetrnych mlynu, hamru, pil, valch, olejen, stoup ...Krivanova, Magda; Stepan, LudekArgo2000Book
Flatford: Constable countrySt John, IanSuffolk Walker2000Book