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Early water powered mills of the Des Plaines River and its tributaries, Illinois, 2: Vol 2, CountyVierling, Philip EIllinois Country Outdoor Guides1998Book
Die Grabenöle in LüterswilLätt, PeterÖliverein Lüterswil1998Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1998Book
Corn millingWatts, MartinShire1998Book
Consideracions xerais pro estudo dos muinos en GaliciaBas Lopez, Maria BegonaCuadernos de Estudios Gallegos1998vol 32 (96-97) 329-344Offprint/Journal Supplement
Cley Mill, Cley-next-the-Sea, NorfolkThe owner1998Brochure, leaflet or poster
Chillenden millGeorge, John F1998Manuscript/Typescript
British malting industry since 1830Clarke, ChristineHambledon Press1998Book
Big bang: a history of explosivesBrown, G ISutton Publishing1998Book
Alton Papers number 2Local History Group of the Friends of the Curtis Museum1998Journal