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Food, nutrition, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective (Summary of First expert report)Potter, John DWorld Cancer Research Fund1997Book
Food, nutrition, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective (First expert report)Potter, John DWorld Cancer Research Fund1997Book
Parish of Wookey: a new historyHasler, Joan; Luker, BrianWookey Local History Group1997Book
Cornmills in and around WarbletonBeswick, MWarbleton & District History group1997Book
Millstone and hammer: the origins of water powerLewis, Michael J TUniversity of Hull1997Book
Severn Barrage: A bibliography 1904-1994Holbrook, A (Tony)University of Bath Library1997SeptemberBook
Ulster libraries: archives, museums and ancestral heritage centresO'Neill, Robert KUlster Historical Foundation1997Book
Transactions of the Ninth symposium of The International Molinological SocietyTIMS1997Symposium Transactions
Ninth symposium of The International Molinological Society: Papers to be presented from 2nd - 9th August 1997Balazs, Gyorgy; Vas, EleonoraTIMS1997Symposium Transactions
Brief history of Sarre Mill (1820 - 1997)Middleton, DonThe author1997Book
Millers and the mills of Ireland of about 1850: a listHogg, William EThe author1997Book
Tilting at windmills in the north westGarlick, AudreyThe author1997Book
Some windmills of the Island of Rhodes, GreeceCrumbleholme, RichardThe author1997Manuscript/Typescript
Tilting at windmills in the north westGarlick, AudreyThe author1997Book
Membership DirectorySPOOM1997MayBook
Mills OpenWest, Jenny; Woodward-Nutt, JamesSPAB1997Book
Guide to Outwood windmillWoodward-Nutt, JamesSheila Thomas1997Book
Sussex watermillsGregory, Frank William; Martin, RonSB Publications1997Book
Renewable energy strategies for Europe: volume 2: electricity systems and primary electricity sourcesGrubb, Michael; Vigotti, RobertoRoyal Institute of International Affairs1997Book
Mill's life: from the Domesday Book to the millenniumLlewellyn, CharlesRobson Books1997Book
Selected Aspects of the History of the Ressler MillMarquet, CynthiaRessler Mill Foundation1997Book
Wills and other probate recordsScott, MiriamPRO Publications1997Book
In search of a grandfather: Henry Simon of Manchester, 1835-1899Simon, BrianPendene Press1997Book
Windmills of Englandde Little, Rodney JPartridge Green, Colwood1997Book
Story of the mills of Old BuckenhamOld Buckenham Windmill Committee1997Book
New mills: A look back at its industrial heritageBrumhead, Derek; Bryant, Roger; Weston, RonNew Mills Local History Society1997Book
Preston mill and Phantassie DoocotWhite, ClareNational Trust for Scotland1997Book
Acorn Bank mill: a short guide for visitorsHutt, DuncanNational Trust1997Book
Hydro-Electricity in North West WalesThomas, Dewi WNational Power1997Book
Gazetteer of windmill sites in EnglandBryan, Anthony A (Tony)Mills Research Group1997Book
Wind Energy Conversion, From Theory to Practice; Proceedings of the 1997 Nineteenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopHunter, RayMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1997Symposium Transactions
Norfolk Broads: a landscape historyWilliamson, TomManchester University Press1997Book
History of Beeleigh millCook, Ken; Groombridge, GarthMaldon Archeological and Historical Group1997Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 12Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1997SpringDigital
Mühlen in DeutschlandJahn, ErhardLaumanns Druck GmbH1997Book
Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County DurhamCranstone, DLancaster Imprits1997Book
Old Mill, Outwood, SurryKnight, Frank International1997MayBrochure, leaflet or poster
Patrimoine industriel: cinquante sites en FranceBelhoste, Jean-François; Smith, PaulInventaire General SPADEM1997Book
Steam and Sugar: Diffusion of the Stationary Steam Engine to the Caribbean Sugar Industry 1770-1840Tann, JenniferHistory of Technology, vol 19 pp 63-841997vol 19 pp 63-84Digital
Muhlen Wiederentdeckt: Dokumentation der Muhlenstandorte im Kreis BergstrasseReitz, HeinzHeppenheim1997Book
Mills of Rockingham County: volume 1Downs, Earl J; Downs, Janet Baugher; Ritchie, Pat TurnerHarrison-Rockingham Historical Society1997Book
Miller of Dee: the story of Chester mills and millers, their trades and wares: the weir, the water engine and the salmonWilding, RoyGordon Emery1997Book
Gunpowder terminology and incorporation: the incorporation process in the manufacture of gunpowder and the history of the associated explosionsPatterson, Edward MFaversham Society1997Book
La Roue tourne à nouveau: Les moulins de la Forêt-NoireNerlinger, Ulrike; Weber, J-LEuro-Régions Editions1997Book
Water power in preindustrial GreeceNomikos, StephanosETBA Cultural Foundation1997Offprint/Journal Supplement
Sur la route des moulins ... de la Vallee de la GorreCanin, ClaudeEditions de la Veyitzou1997Book
Les moulins à papier de Maromme: l'histoire de la fabrication du papier dans la vallée du Cailly du XVeme au XIXeme siècleDubois, RenéEditions Bertout1997Book
History- Skidby mill: a case study of the East Riding in Victorian timesEast Riding of Yorkshire Council1997Education pack
Dunlite Type F55 wind driven generator DC brushless, 5KW for 110v DC operationDunlite1997Book
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development Third ReportDepartment of the Environment1997JanuaryBook