Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Food, nutrition, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective (Summary of First expert report) | Potter, John D | World Cancer Research Fund | 1997 | | Book |
Food, nutrition, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective (First expert report) | Potter, John D | World Cancer Research Fund | 1997 | | Book |
Parish of Wookey: a new history | Hasler, Joan; Luker, Brian | Wookey Local History Group | 1997 | | Book |
Cornmills in and around Warbleton | Beswick, M | Warbleton & District History group | 1997 | | Book |
Millstone and hammer: the origins of water power | Lewis, Michael J T | University of Hull | 1997 | | Book |
Severn Barrage: A bibliography 1904-1994 | Holbrook, A (Tony) | University of Bath Library | 1997 | September | Book |
Ulster libraries: archives, museums and ancestral heritage centres | O'Neill, Robert K | Ulster Historical Foundation | 1997 | | Book |
Transactions of the Ninth symposium of The International Molinological Society | | TIMS | 1997 | | Symposium Transactions |
Ninth symposium of The International Molinological Society: Papers to be presented from 2nd - 9th August 1997 | Balazs, Gyorgy; Vas, Eleonora | TIMS | 1997 | | Symposium Transactions |
Brief history of Sarre Mill (1820 - 1997) | Middleton, Don | The author | 1997 | | Book |
Millers and the mills of Ireland of about 1850: a list | Hogg, William E | The author | 1997 | | Book |
Tilting at windmills in the north west | Garlick, Audrey | The author | 1997 | | Book |
Some windmills of the Island of Rhodes, Greece | Crumbleholme, Richard | The author | 1997 | | Manuscript/Typescript |
Tilting at windmills in the north west | Garlick, Audrey | The author | 1997 | | Book |
Membership Directory | | SPOOM | 1997 | May | Book |
Mills Open | West, Jenny; Woodward-Nutt, James | SPAB | 1997 | | Book |
Guide to Outwood windmill | Woodward-Nutt, James | Sheila Thomas | 1997 | | Book |
Sussex watermills | Gregory, Frank William; Martin, Ron | SB Publications | 1997 | | Book |
Renewable energy strategies for Europe: volume 2: electricity systems and primary electricity sources | Grubb, Michael; Vigotti, Roberto | Royal Institute of International Affairs | 1997 | | Book |
Mill's life: from the Domesday Book to the millennium | Llewellyn, Charles | Robson Books | 1997 | | Book |
Selected Aspects of the History of the Ressler Mill | Marquet, Cynthia | Ressler Mill Foundation | 1997 | | Book |
Wills and other probate records | Scott, Miriam | PRO Publications | 1997 | | Book |
In search of a grandfather: Henry Simon of Manchester, 1835-1899 | Simon, Brian | Pendene Press | 1997 | | Book |
Windmills of England | de Little, Rodney J | Partridge Green, Colwood | 1997 | | Book |
Story of the mills of Old Buckenham | | Old Buckenham Windmill Committee | 1997 | | Book |
New mills: A look back at its industrial heritage | Brumhead, Derek; Bryant, Roger; Weston, Ron | New Mills Local History Society | 1997 | | Book |
Preston mill and Phantassie Doocot | White, Clare | National Trust for Scotland | 1997 | | Book |
Acorn Bank mill: a short guide for visitors | Hutt, Duncan | National Trust | 1997 | | Book |
Hydro-Electricity in North West Wales | Thomas, Dewi W | National Power | 1997 | | Book |
Gazetteer of windmill sites in England | Bryan, Anthony A (Tony) | Mills Research Group | 1997 | | Book |
Wind Energy Conversion, From Theory to Practice; Proceedings of the 1997 Nineteenth BWEA Wind Energy Workshop | Hunter, Ray | Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. | 1997 | | Symposium Transactions |
Norfolk Broads: a landscape history | Williamson, Tom | Manchester University Press | 1997 | | Book |
History of Beeleigh mill | Cook, Ken; Groombridge, Garth | Maldon Archeological and Historical Group | 1997 | | Book |
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 12 | | Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust | 1997 | Spring | Digital |
Mühlen in Deutschland | Jahn, Erhard | Laumanns Druck GmbH | 1997 | | Book |
Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County Durham | Cranstone, D | Lancaster Imprits | 1997 | | Book |
Old Mill, Outwood, Surry | | Knight, Frank International | 1997 | May | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Patrimoine industriel: cinquante sites en France | Belhoste, Jean-François; Smith, Paul | Inventaire General SPADEM | 1997 | | Book |
Steam and Sugar: Diffusion of the Stationary Steam Engine to the Caribbean Sugar Industry 1770-1840 | Tann, Jennifer | History of Technology, vol 19 pp 63-84 | 1997 | vol 19 pp 63-84 | Digital |
Muhlen Wiederentdeckt: Dokumentation der Muhlenstandorte im Kreis Bergstrasse | Reitz, Heinz | Heppenheim | 1997 | | Book |
Mills of Rockingham County: volume 1 | Downs, Earl J; Downs, Janet Baugher; Ritchie, Pat Turner | Harrison-Rockingham Historical Society | 1997 | | Book |
Miller of Dee: the story of Chester mills and millers, their trades and wares: the weir, the water engine and the salmon | Wilding, Roy | Gordon Emery | 1997 | | Book |
Gunpowder terminology and incorporation: the incorporation process in the manufacture of gunpowder and the history of the associated explosions | Patterson, Edward M | Faversham Society | 1997 | | Book |
La Roue tourne à nouveau: Les moulins de la Forêt-Noire | Nerlinger, Ulrike; Weber, J-L | Euro-Régions Editions | 1997 | | Book |
Water power in preindustrial Greece | Nomikos, Stephanos | ETBA Cultural Foundation | 1997 | | Offprint/Journal Supplement |
Sur la route des moulins ... de la Vallee de la Gorre | Canin, Claude | Editions de la Veyitzou | 1997 | | Book |
Les moulins à papier de Maromme: l'histoire de la fabrication du papier dans la vallée du Cailly du XVeme au XIXeme siècle | Dubois, René | Editions Bertout | 1997 | | Book |
History- Skidby mill: a case study of the East Riding in Victorian times | | East Riding of Yorkshire Council | 1997 | | Education pack |
Dunlite Type F55 wind driven generator DC brushless, 5KW for 110v DC operation | | Dunlite | 1997 | | Book |
British Government Panel on Sustainable Development Third Report | | Department of the Environment | 1997 | January | Book |