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Showing results for ( Year equals 1980 ):
Publications (Library)
Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Leonardo's inventions | Mathe, Jean | Miller Graphics | 1980 | Book | |
Lead smelting mills of the Yorkshire dales and northern Pennines: their architectural character construction and place in the European tradition | Clough, Robert T | Robert T. Clough | 1980 | Book | |
Wandering Worfe | Robinson, D H | Waine Research | 1980 | Book | |
Wind machines | Eldridge, Frank R | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 1980 | Book | |
Sneath's mill | Wills, Norman T | The author | 1980 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |
Sherborne mill: from silks to glass | Marsden, Frederick | The author | 1980 | Book | |
Five generations of milling | Claffey, John A | The author | 1980 | Book | |
Wind Werk Boek: wat mogelijk is met windenergie [what is possible with wind energy] | Tossijn, Herman; Westra, Chris | Ekologische Uitgeverij | 1980 | Book | |
History of technology and invention: progress through the ages, vol.3 The expansion of mechanization, 1725-1860 | Daumas, Maurice; Hennessy, E B | John Murray | 1980 | Book | |
Industrial archaeology of Northern Ireland | McCutcheon, Alan | HMSO | 1980 | Book | |
Past at work | Burton, Anthony | André Deutsch British Broadcasting Corporation | 1980 | Book | |
Metal mines of north Wales | Williams, C J | Charter Publications | 1980 | Book | |
Wythop mill: Embleton | 1980 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | |||
Cornwall's central mines: the northern district 1810-1895 | Morrison, T A | Alison Hodge | 1980 | Book | |
Kirton in Lindsey railway museum and windmill | Turner, A; Turner, S | 1980 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | ||
Grist mills: in Baltimore county, Maryland | McGrain, John W | Baltimore County Public Library | 1980 | Book | |
Molens in de vreugd: met afbeeldingen uit Achterhoek en Liemers | Wiessner, JG | De Walburg Pers | 1980 | Book | |
Robert Owen of New Lanark 1771 - 1858; a bicentenial tribute | Butt, John; Donnachie, Ian; Hume, John R | Open Univesity in Scotland | 1980 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
History of mills in Audlem | Marshall, C B; Meredith, G | The author | 1980 | Book | |
El manuscrito atribuido a Juanelo Turriano de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid | Garcia-Diego, Jose A | I Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de las Ciencias | 1980 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
Un exemplo de agrupacion de Horreos: Bornalle, Abelliera, Coruna | Bas Lopez, Maria Begona | Brigantium Bol Museo Arqu Hist Coruna | 1980 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
Os nomes galegos dos horreos e dos seus elementos | Bas Lopez, Maria Begona | Verba: anuario Galego de Filoloxia | 1980 | Offprint/Journal Supplement | |
Wind en energie | von König, Felix | Kluwer Technische Boeken B.V. | 1980 | Book | |
Kentish windmills | Facto Books | 1980 | Book | ||
Ifield Mill: A survey | Gibson-Hill, J; Henbery, E W | 1980 | Book | ||
Straight bladed Darrieus wind turbines: The computer program "Quixote" | Pearce, D L | Central Electricity Generating Board | 1980 | Book | |
Lucas alternators: Power to spare | Lucas Electrical Co Ltd, Solihull | 1980 | Book | ||
Helius vertical axis wind generator | Thermax Corporation, Vermont | 1980 | Plans and instructions | ||
History of technology Vol. I: From Early Times to the Fall of Ancient Empires | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | Book | |
History of technology Vol. II: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 B.C. To c. A.D. 1500 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | Book | |
History of technology Vol. III: From The Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, c. 1500 - c. 1750 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | Book | |
History of technology Vol. IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to c. 1850 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | Book | |
History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900 | Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor I | Oxford University Press | 1980 | Book | |
Progressive millers: A cultural and intellectual portrait of the flour milling industry 1870 - 1930, focusing on Minneapolis, Minnesota | Frame III, Robert M | University Microfilms | 1980 | Thesis/Report | |
Exploring Museums in Sussex | East Sussex County Council | 1980 | Book | ||
Measurement of the flow of water. leaflet M | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | 1980 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | ||
Gilkes Water Turbines | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | 1980 | Brochure, leaflet or poster | ||
Batsford guide to the industrial archaeology of East Anglia; Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk | Alderton, David; Booker, John | Batsford | 1980 | Book | |
Village blacksmith | Bailey, Jocelyn | Shire Publications Ltd. | 1980 | Book | |
Robert Stone: Miller of Pangbourne | Major, J Kenneth | TIMS | 1980 | Book | |
Identification of Cereal Varieties | Hervey-Murray, C G | RHM Arable | 1980 | Book | |
Industrial explosion prevention and protection | Bodurtha, Frank T | McGraw-Hill | 1980 | Book | |
Atom's Eve: Ending the Nuclear Age, An Anthology | Reader, Mark | McGraw-Hill Book Company | 1980 | Book | |
Wind Machines | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 1980 | Book | ||
Le Pain et le Sel; Vues aeriennes | Gerster, Georg | Arthaud | 1980 | Book | |
Power from sea waves | Count, B | Academic Press | 1980 | Book | |
Proceedings of the Second BWEA Wind Energy Workshop April 1980 | Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd. | 1980 | Symposium Transactions | ||
Energie Eolienne: Theorie, conception et practique des installations | Le Gourieres, Desire | Eyrolles, Paris | 1980 | Book | |
Growing wheat and making bread on a small scale | Coates, H L T (Hugh); Stanford, J R | Thorsons Publishers Ltd | 1980 | Book | |
Helical sail windmill | VITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance | 1980 | Book |