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Publications (Library)

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Windkraft: Die unerschöpfliche Energie (inexhaustible energy)Frees, HorstH. Frees1980Book
Watermills of the East Malling and Wateringbury streamsFuller, M JChristine Swift Bookshop1980Book
El manuscrito atribuido a Juanelo Turriano de la Biblioteca Nacional de MadridGarcia-Diego, Jose AI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de las Ciencias 1980Offprint/Journal Supplement
Le Pain et le Sel; Vues aeriennesGerster, GeorgArthaud1980Book
Ifield Mill: A surveyGibson-Hill, J; Henbery, E W1980Book
Polegate windmill: souvenir guideGregory, Frank William; Hodsoll, Vera; Stevens, Lawrence; Wailes, RexEastbourne & District Preservation Trust1980Book
Die Kappenwindmühle Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum DetmoldGrossmann, G Ulrich; Schulte, IngridLandschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe1980Book
Ballenberg: musée en plein air de l’habitat rural Suisse: guide pour la visite du musée/ guide book for a museum visitGschwend, Dr Max; Jaccottet, Georgesmusée suisse en plein air Ballenberg1980Book
Catalogue of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils in the Reynolds number range 10(4)-10(6)Hageman, AndreEindhoven University of Technology1980JulyBook
History of technology Vol. I: From Early Times to the Fall of Ancient EmpiresHall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. II: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages, c. 700 B.C. To c. A.D. 1500Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. III: From The Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, c. 1500 - c. 1750Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. IV: The Industrial Revolution, c. 1750 to c. 1850Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
History of technology Vol. V: The Late Nineteenth Century, c1850 to c. 1900Hall, A R; Holmyard, E J; Singer, Charles; Williams, Trevor IOxford University Press1980Book
Llywernog mine historical site: miner's trail factsheetHarvey, Peter LloydMid-Wales Mining Museum1980Education pack
Richmond miscellanyHatcher, C J; Wenham, L PNorth Yorkshire County Council1980Book
Mühlen und Hämmer im SchleusegebietHeinz, LouisKulturband der DDR1980Book
Identification of Cereal VarietiesHervey-Murray, C GRHM Arable1980Book
Local history research and writing: a manual for local history writersIredale, DavidPhillimore1980Book
TICCIH textile conference 1980Jespersen, Anders1980Book
Mühlen auf FliesenKühnast, Gerd; Schlechtriem, GertExhibition catalogue, Morgenstern Museum Bremerhaven1980Book
Kleinwindkraftanlagen zur StromerzeugungLadener, Heinzökobuch1980Book
Engineering drawings of Benjamin Henry LatrobeLatrobe, Benjamin Henry; Stapleton, Darwin HYale University Press1980Book
Energie Eolienne: Theorie, conception et practique des installationsLe Gourieres, DesireEyrolles, Paris1980Book
Die alten Mühlen an der WienLohrmann, KlausJugend und Volk, Vienna/Munich1980Book
Robert Stone, miller of PangbourneMajor, J KennethTIMS1980Book
Robert Stone: Miller of PangbourneMajor, J KennethTIMS1980Book
Sherborne mill: from silks to glassMarsden, FrederickThe author1980Book
History of mills in AudlemMarshall, C B; Meredith, GThe author1980Book
Leonardo's inventionsMathe, JeanMiller Graphics1980Book
Industrial archaeology of Northern IrelandMcCutcheon, AlanHMSO1980Book
Grist mills: in Baltimore county, MarylandMcGrain, John WBaltimore County Public Library1980Book
Cornwall's central mines: the northern district 1810-1895Morrison, T AAlison Hodge1980Book
Consideration on the measurement of specific characters of water-mill powerNakagawa, Tohru; Sakakibara, Seibun; Sasabe, AkiraBulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo1980Vol 3 Dec 22 pp 41-47Offprint/Journal Supplement
De Molens van Zuid-HollandNoorland, JProvinciaal Bestuur van Zuid-Holland1980Book
Straight bladed Darrieus wind turbines: The computer program "Quixote"Pearce, D LCentral Electricity Generating Board1980Book
Ursella II: Muhlen Fabriken und Menschen am UrselbachPetran, HelmutWaldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main1980Book
Die Wind- und Wassermühlen des Kreises und der Stadt FlensburgPöge, GottfriedSchleswiger Druck- und Verlagshaus1980Book
Atom's Eve: Ending the Nuclear Age, An AnthologyReader, MarkMcGraw-Hill Book Company1980Book
Wandering WorfeRobinson, D HWaine Research1980Book
Windmills in Staffordshire: a contemporary surveySeaby, Wilfred A; Smith, Arthur CStaffordshire County Museum1980Book
Windmills in Sussex: a contemporary surveySmith, Arthur CStevenage Museum1980Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1980Book
Wind Power for your home: the first complete guide that tells how to make the wind's energy work for youSullivan, GeorgeCornerstone Library1980Book
Watermills of BritainSyson, LeslieDavid & Charles1980Book
Frodsham: the archaeological potential of a townThompson, PatienceCheshire County Council1980Thesis/Report
Wind Werk Boek: wat mogelijk is met windenergie [what is possible with wind energy]Tossijn, Herman; Westra, ChrisEkologische Uitgeverij1980Book
Kirton in Lindsey railway museum and windmillTurner, A; Turner, S1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Frilandsmuseet: an illustrated guide in EnglishUldall, KaiNational Museum Copenhagen Denmark1980Book
Grain of Truth; The nineteenth century corn averagesVamplew, WrayAgricultural History Review1980Vol 28 (1) pp 1-16Digital