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Publications (Library)

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Puff pastry I: process and dough ingredient variablesTelloke, G WFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1991Journal
FMBRA Bulletin - No 4 (August)Collins, T H; Little, K; Pritchard, P EFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1991Journal
Wind Energy in EuropeEuropean Wind Energy Association1991Book
Teacher's guide to using listed buildingsKeith, CrispinEnglish Heritage1991Education pack
Alderman Frank Hooker: A Miller's TaleWilmot, EdwardEdward Wilmot1991Book
Cathedrales. les batisseursCreation et Recherche1991Book
Meltdown: The Collapse of the Nuclear DreamAudrey, CrispinCollins & Brown Ltd1991Book
De molens van Limburg: Een inventarisatie van en een onderzoek naar de geschiedenis, de functies, de ontwikkeling en de achteruitgang van de Limburgse wind- en water molens vanaf 1839van Bussel, Piet W E ABura Boeken1991Book
Gunpowder, government and war in the mid-eighteenth centuryWest, JennyBoydell Press1991Book
Water mills of the Borough of NewcastleRiley, GeorgeBorough of Newcastle-under-Lyme1991Book
Farming: sources for local historiansEdwards, PeterB.T. Batsford1991Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of the West Midland iron districtCrompton, JohnAssociation for Industrial Archaeology1991Book
Die Kölner Rheinmühlen: untersuchungen zum Mühlenschrein zu den Eigentümern und zur Technik der SchiffsmühlenKranz, HorstAlano Rader Publikationen1991Book