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Dean heritage centre: the museum of the forestDean Heritage Museum TrustBook
Mid-Victorian Britain 1851-75Best, GeoffreyFontana1990Book
Class struggle and the industrial revolution: early industrial capitalism in three English townsFoster, JohnMethuen1979Book
Kentish sources: aspects of agriculture and industryMelling, ElizabethKent County Council1961Book
John Staniar & Co., mill furnishersJohn Staniar & Co.Book
Moorfields in 1559: an engraved copper plate from the earliest known map of LondonHolmes, M RHMSO1971Book
English trade tokens: the industrial revolution illustratedMathias, PeterAbelard-Schuman1962Book
Dusty's windmillBarne, KittyJM Dent & Sons1949Book
Sound of the millHay, JamesNorthern Publishing Co1924Book
Engineers of mills in the later middle agesLangdon, JohnSPAB2007Book
Windmills of EssexBinks, Steven; Slaughter, RichardBulmer School1970Book
Hundred years a-milling: commemorating an Ulster mill centenaryScott, William MaddinW. & C. Scott1951Book
Mr Tulip grinds to a haltMasters, ChristopherFrederick Warne1978Book
Trinity of craftsmenDerrick, FredaChapman & Hall1950Book
Jan of the windmill: a story of the plainsEwing, Juliana HoratiaGeorge Bell & Sons1899Book
Traditional crafts and industries in East Anglia: the photographic legacy of Hallam AshleyAshley, Hallam; Sargent, AndrewEnglish Heritage2010Book
Miller's daughter: a portrait of a Norfolk miller and his familyPotter, NancyLarks Press1998Book
Abbeydale industrial hamletSheffield City Museums1981Book
Hour passed at Ravensbury Park: one of a series of short walks in the Wandle valleyLeyden, Kevin; Leyden, Ray; Viner, JohnWandle Industrial MuseumBook
Windmill drawingsLines, VincentSPAB2009Book
Barns and workshops: West Yorkshire Folk MuseumInnes, R ACounty Borough of Halifax1966Book
Maid of the mill: Louie Jermy of Poppyland and her times, 1864-1934Parry, Gwen MGwen M. Parry1936Book
In en om de GrutterijKempers, A J BernetHet Nederlands Openluchtmuseum1979Book
Brewers' house: a concise guideSmekens, FransCity of Antwerp Archaeological MuseumsBook
Mills and millwrightingVince, JohnShire1978Book
Agricultural implement makersScourfield, ElfynWelsh Folk Museum1983Book
Illustrated price list of agricultural implements and machines manufactured by Williamson Brothers: Stainton, near KendalThomas AtkinsonBook
Design manual for water wheels: with details for applications to pumping water for village use and driving small machineryOvens, William GVITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance1975Book
Monitor grain cleaners: scourers and polishersHuntley Manufacturing Co.Book
Meuniers, meunières: noblesse farinièreAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriAlan Sutton2008Book
Moulins à vent de BelgiqueDesart, RobertRobert Desart1961Book
Rural economy and country life in the medieval WestDuby, Georges; Postan, CynthiaEdward Arnold1968Book
Guide to Forge Mill Needle MuseumMead, BBook
Moulins au fil de l’eau: en AnjouMaudonnet, PaulThe author1966Book
Living on the land: rural life in the Welwyn-Hatfield area from prehistoric times to the presentAgate, SusanWelwyn Hatfield Museum Service1979Book
Somerset Rural Life MuseumBrown, MartynSomerset County Museums Service1982Book
Wow!: how does one move a windmill?Hickmet, NevvarThe author1964Book
Moddershall Valley conservation areaStaffordshire County Council1979Book
Principles and practice in watermill repairSPAB2005Book
Onze molens mulderversjesTerlouw, Piet; Van der Pol, DickZomer und Keuning Boeken1981Book
Industrial revolutionDawson, KeithPan1972Book
Miller's daughterCatt, PhyllisThe authorBook
Preliminary analysis of the development of the gearing in watermills in Western EuropeJespersen, AndersVirum1953Book
Water millCastell BrothersBook
Miscellany of millingBean, David JThe author1986Book
Miscellany of millingBean, David JFriends of Herne Mill1991Book
Mill times past: Mortimer's Cross millDelaney, D TThe author1994Book
Florrie's story: life at Mortimer's Cross mill in 1919Delaney, D TThe author1987Book
Moulins à eau en FranceCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2005Book
Moulins à eau en Poitou-CharentesCouraud, Emile; Morin, MichèleAlan Sutton2006Book