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Wind and watermills in old ParramattaTatrai, OlgaThe author1994Book
Wills and other probate recordsScott, MiriamPRO Publications1997Book
William Yates's map of Lancashire 1786Harley, J B; Yates, WilliamHistoric Society of Lancashire and Cheshire1968Book
Wieken, wind en weidenvogels: Molens in het Utrechts landschapVerschoor, Jaap; Vesters, PaulStichting Het Utrechts Landschap and Artists for Nature Foundation2006Book
Wie man Wasserräder bautBrüdern, RichardThe author2006Book
Why windmills applied; socio-economic determinants of windmill use for irrigation on the lasithi plateau in CreteHoogervorst, Nico; van't Land, GerhardWageningen University1983DecemberBook
Whitmore and Binyon engineers and millwrights of Wickham market: SuffolkCockburn, PhyllisThe author2005Book
Whirling windmillsBraithwaite, AltheaColourmaster1972Book
Where man belongsMassingham, H JJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1946Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1980Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1983Book
Wheal Martyn museum: guide to the china-clay museum with historical notesStengelhofen, JohnSt. Austell China Clay Museum1975Book
West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492Watts, DavidCambridge University Press1987Book
Weald and downland: Open Air Museum SingletonArmstrong, J R; Harris, RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1977Book
Weald and downland: open air museum guidebookHarris, RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1987Book
Weald and downland: Open Air MuseumArmstrong, J RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1976Book
Weald and downland open air museum: guidebookHarris, RWeald and Downland Open Air Museum1982Book
We Almost Lost DetroitFuller, John G.Reader's Digest Press1975Book
WatermillsWenham, PeterRobert Hale1989Book
Watercolours by Thomas GirtinGirtin, ThomasVictoria & Albert Museum1975Book
Water millCastell BrothersBook
Wassermühlen: illustrated with 167 photographs of watermills in the German landscapeBraunburg, Annemarie; Braunburg, RudolfSchneekluth1981Book
Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries: How Women (Also) Built the WorldMosse, KateMantle2022Book
War Record of Hovis Ltd 1939-1945Wood, AlanThe Company1947Article
Vitruvius: the ten books on architectureMorgan, Morris Hicky; Vitruvius Pollio, MarcusDover Publications1960Book
Vision for the futureBartram, ElizabethThe Mills Archive Trust2019Book
Village carpenterRose, WalterCambridge University Press1946Book
Village blacksmithBailey, JocelynShire Publications Ltd.1980Book
Victorian and Edwardian windmills and watermills from old photographsMajor, J Kenneth; Watts, MartinBatsford1983Book
Versatile millstone workhorse of many industriesSass, JonSPOOM1984Book
Use of millwrighting techniques as a guide to dating windmills and watermillsWatts, MartinSPAB1994Book
Urban HarvestBallard, Anne; Doyle, Sarah; Stephenson, PaulHighgate Poets2012Book
Uncle Seth builds a windmillKellogg, ElijahEarly Trades & Crafts Society1973October 23Offprint/Journal Supplement
Unbridled Spirits Women of the English Revolution 1640 -1660Davies, StevieThe Women's Press1998Journal
UN declares 2026 as International Year of the Woman FarmerMilling & Grain 2024MayDigital
Ulster libraries: archives, museums and ancestral heritage centresO'Neill, Robert KUlster Historical Foundation1997Book
Turn, turn, turn: 75 years of saving millsCookson, Mildred M; Hudson, Simon; Hughes, Gareth; Pearce, D L; Watts, MartinSPAB2006Offprint/Journal Supplement
Trinity of craftsmenDerrick, FredaChapman & Hall1950Book
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 2: on machinery of transmission, construction and arrangementFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 2: on machinery of transmission, construction and arrangementFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 1: on the principles of mechanism and on prime moversFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Treatise on mills and millwork, part 1: on the principles of mechanism and on prime moversFairbairn, WilliamLongmanBook
Traditional Tools of the Carpenter and other Craftsmen: catalogue 5Arnold and Walker1977Book
Traditional crafts and industries in East Anglia: the photographic legacy of Hallam AshleyAshley, Hallam; Sargent, AndrewEnglish Heritage2010Book
Tool & Trade History Society Journal 1983-2005 (nos 1- 14) & Newsletters 2006-2010 (nos 92-108)Journal
Tocketts: the story of a North Yorkshire township and its millHarrison, John K; Morgan, P WThe Mills Archive Trust2016Book
Tinkham Brothers' tide-millDuffy, R; Trowbridge, J TArlington Historical1999Facsimile reprint
TIMS Booklets (BM 1985 -1994)TIMS1985to 1994Book
TIMS Booklets (BM 1979 -1983)TIMS1979to 1983Book
Tibby's MillRoberts, J F (Jo)The authorBook