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"A great number of usefull books". From a small library to a world-leading collectionCookson, Ronald FMilling & Grain 2023AprilDigital
32 Dutch windmills in full colourde Koning, A J; Molenduik, Leeninternationale kunstreproducties groningenBook
Abbeydale industrial hamletPeatman, JanetSheffield City Museums1981Book
Abbeydale industrial hamletSheffield City Museums1981Book
Abbott windmill collectionBuckland, J S PNewcomen Bulletin1988August (141) p18Article
Accidental TaxonomistHedden, HeatherInformation Today Inc2010Book
Agricultural implement makersScourfield, ElfynWelsh Folk Museum1983Book
Alltech continues to support WFA mentorship program for women in agri-foodMilling & Grain 2023Newsletter 11 January 2023Digital
Alte Mühlen in Mythen, Märchen und ErzählungenSchlender, TimurKnaur1988Book
Alte Mühlen in Österreich: Mühlen · Sägen · Schmieden · StampfenTrumler, GerhardBibliothek der Provinz (Verlag)2014Book
Alte Mühlen, Ein LesebuchDollhopf, Helmut; Liedel, HerbertStürtz Verlag, WürzburgBook
Alte Mühlen: Bilder des Abschieds (Farewell in pictures)Dollhopf, Helmut; Franzke, Jürgen; Gallasch, Walter; Glaser, Hermann; Liedel, HerbertStürtz Verlag, Würzburg1983Book
Alternative initiatives in Berlin; Evironmental issues and employmentReuther-Greaves, RenateOpen University Technology Policy Group1993DecemberThesis/Report
Alternative Technology and the Politics of Technical ChangeDickson, DavidWilliams Collins Sons & Co Ltd1974Book
American miller and millwright's assistantHughes, William CHenry Carey Baird1851Book
Archival basics: a practical manual for working with historical collectionsArp, CharlieRowman and Littlefield2019Book
Archives and local historyEmmison, F GPhillimore1978Book
Argonauta. A book heralding from Augeo in Italy, a place internationally renowned for its cultureAntolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2021JuneDigital
Argonauta. Part 1Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2021JulyDigital
Argonauta. Part 2Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2021SeptemberDigital
Argonauta. Part 3Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2021NovemberDigital
Argonauta. Part 4Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022JanuaryDigital
Argonauta. Part 5Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022MarchDigital
Argonauta. Part 6Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022MayDigital
Argonauta. Part 7Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022JulyDigital
Argonauta. Part 8.1Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022SeptemberDigital
Argonauta. Part 8.2Antolini, SergioMilling & Grain 2022NovemberDigital
Armley mills: the Leeds Industrial MuseumLeeds City Council1999Book
Armley mills: the Leeds Industrial MuseumBrears, P C DLeeds City Museums1984Book
Art and Flour: a worldwide gallery of flour sacksPaetsch, MartinVolkmar Wymol2004Book
Art de restaurer un moulin à ventde la Garde, Jaques; Gailly, GerardAssociation Francaise des amis des moulinsBook
Ashford Industrial History Museum and a brief history of Willesborough Windmill, AshfordAshford Industrial History MuseumBook
Association de sauvegarde du moulin Pelard bulletin no. 2Association de Sauvegarde du Moulin Pelard1978Book
Au temps des moulins à ventGuilbaud, JeanAlan Sutton2004Book
Avoncroft museum of buildingsDownie, GrahamAvoncroft Museum of Buildings1978Book
Avoncroft museum of buildingsAvoncroft Museum of BuildingsBook
Avoncroft: museum of historic buildingsBook
Bale Grist Mill: Symbol of pioneer times in Napa ValleyVerardo, Denzil; Verardo, JennieCalifornia State Parks Foundation1984Book
Ballad of the leatMoat, JohnArc Publications1975Book
Barns and workshops: West Yorkshire Folk MuseumInnes, R ACounty Borough of Halifax1966Book
Beamish: the north of England open air museumAllan, Rosemary EBeamish2003Book
Bell alarms and sack hoists in windmillsClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1973Offprint/Journal Supplement
Besichtigung einer WindmühleMaywald, BerndEulenspiegel, Berlin1986Book
Birth of the windmill in England: a vision in verseMoore, CyrilThe author1990Brochure, leaflet or poster
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1994Book
Book of wrinkles: a collection of handy labor-saving devices and ideas for the use of millers and millwrightsMitchell Brothers1912Book
Boyd family millwrights and engineers of HullMoseley, JanetJanet Moseley2017Book
Bradwell Windmill millwrighting report on condtion of stucture and working partsBonwick, LukeBonwick Milling Heritage Consultancy2011JulyThesis/Report
Brake wheels and wallowersClark, H O; Wailes, RexNewcomen Society1948Manuscript/Typescript
Brewers' house: a concise guideSmekens, FransCity of Antwerp Archaeological MuseumsBook