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Lowell Hydraulic Experiments Being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes. Made at Lowell, Massachusetts.Francis, James BD Van Nostrand Company1909Book
Measurement of the flow of water. leaflet MGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1980Brochure, leaflet or poster
Mercer's 1875 reliable turbine water wheel, improved 1880T B Mercer, Christiana, PA1880Book
Millstone and hammer: the origins of water powerLewis, Michael J TUniversity of Hull1997Book
Miscellaneous Collected Papers on water turbinesBook
Modern Turbine Practise and Water-Power PlantsThurso, John WolfArchibald Constable & Co1907Book
Moteurs hydrauliquesChamply, RenéRoc de Bourzac1992Book
Nell Advance Sheets for Victor TurbineFrederick Nell, LondonBrochure, leaflet or poster
New American turbineWm R Dell & Son1892Book
New American Turbines. Catalogue RDayton Globe, Ohio1909JanuaryBook
New mproved Hercules TurbineJohn Turnbull, Jun & Sons, GlasgowBrochure, leaflet or poster
New Water Turbine PlantsMoser, JEscher Wyss & Co, Zurich1927Article
Obenchain's Improved Little Giant turbine water wheelKnowlton & Dolan, Logansport, IND1881Book
Observations on the history of water powerStowers, ArthurNewcomen Society1957April 19Manuscript/Typescript
On the development of water power by GilkesGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1949NovemberBook
On the history of the exploitation of water power in Eretz-IsraelAvitsur, ShmuelAvshalom Institute for Homeland Studies1960Book
Pamphlet and price list on Smith's New Success Water WheelYork Manufacturing Co, York, PA1880Book
Pelton Wheel, leaflet M39Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon LtdBrochure, leaflet or poster
Perfect American Hurdy-GurdyAmerican Impulse Wheel Co1897Book
Perfection water wheel, the great water economiserCraig Ridgway & Son, Coatesville, PA1880Book
Poole & Hunt's Leffel Double Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1882Book
Power and glory of waterwheels: steps along the road to better performanceHawksley, G JSPAB2008Book
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-millsHawksley, Jeff; Spain, R JBritish Archaeological Reports2008Book
Power of Leather Belting and ShaftsChas Louis Hett, BriggBrochure, leaflet or poster
Preliminary study about methods for harvesting energy from marine resourcesNovo, RiccardoThe author2015JulyDigital
Price ListChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Price list of turbinesH Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry1890Brochure, leaflet or poster
Principles of construction and efficiency of water-wheelsDonaldson, WilliamE & F N Spon1876Book
Read and be convinced that the SUCCESS is the leading water wheel in AmericaS Morgan Smith, York, PABook
Recent Marked Improvements to the Colllins-Jonval TurbineJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1885Book
Renewable energy and the tidal power optionsElliott, DavidScience and Public Policy1987October pp 257-262Article
Romance of water-powerLewis, PaulSampson, Low, Marston & Co1931Book
Rudimentary treatise on the power of water as applied to drive flour mills and to give motion to turbines and other hydrostatic enginesGlynn, JosephJohn Weale1853Copied document
Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water, As Applied to Drive Flour Mills, and to Give Motion to Turbines and Other Hydrostatic EnginesGlynn, JosephJohn Weale1835Book
Small & Domestic hydro-electric installationsGilbert Gilkes and Gordon LtdBrochure, leaflet or poster
Smith's Improved Success Water WheelS Morgan Smith, York, PA1892Book
Special catalogue of spring governorsTheodor Wiede, Chemnitz, Saxony1903Book
Special New American Turbine WheelWm R Dell & Son1898Book
Spiral-cased Francis Turbine leaflet M.12AGilbert Gilkes and Gordon LtdBrochure, leaflet or poster
Steam engines and waterwheels: a pictorial study of some early mining machinesWoodall, Frank DMoorland Publishing1975Book
Stronger than a hundred men: a history of the vertical water wheelReynolds, Terry SJohn Hopkins University Press1983Book
Surviving evidence of technological history: part 3: The impulse turbine in Irish watermills: two unusual surviving cornmillsBowie, Gavin G SIrish Engineers Journal1974Vol 2 (6) pp 20-22Article
Teacher's guide to water power projectsCentre for Alternative TechnologyEducation pack
Tidal PowerBaker, A CPeter Peregrinus Ltd1991Book
Treatise relative to the testing of water-wheels and machinery: with various other matters pertaining to hydrodynamicsEmerson, JamesSPOOM1994Facsimile reprint
Turbine "Hercule"Singrun Freres, Epinal, VosgesBrochure, leaflet or poster
Turbine IdraulicheCostruzioni Meccaniche Riva1915Book
Turbine water wheelsRisdon-Alcott Turbine Co Mount Holly, NJ1901Book
Turbine water-wheel tests and power tablesHorton, Robert EK.W. Inc.1981Book
Turbinen catalogGebruder Seck, Darmstadt1886Book