Title | Contributors | Publisher | Year | BatchDescrip | Medium |
Lowell Hydraulic Experiments Being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on the flow of water over weirs, in open canals of uniform rectangular section, and through submerged orifices and diverging tubes. Made at Lowell, Massachusetts. | Francis, James B | D Van Nostrand Company | 1909 | | Book |
Measurement of the flow of water. leaflet M | | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | 1980 | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Mercer's 1875 reliable turbine water wheel, improved 1880 | | T B Mercer, Christiana, PA | 1880 | | Book |
Millstone and hammer: the origins of water power | Lewis, Michael J T | University of Hull | 1997 | | Book |
Miscellaneous Collected Papers on water turbines | | | | | Book |
Modern Turbine Practise and Water-Power Plants | Thurso, John Wolf | Archibald Constable & Co | 1907 | | Book |
Moteurs hydrauliques | Champly, René | Roc de Bourzac | 1992 | | Book |
Nell Advance Sheets for Victor Turbine | | Frederick Nell, London | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
New American turbine | | Wm R Dell & Son | 1892 | | Book |
New American Turbines. Catalogue R | | Dayton Globe, Ohio | 1909 | January | Book |
New mproved Hercules Turbine | | John Turnbull, Jun & Sons, Glasgow | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
New Water Turbine Plants | Moser, J | Escher Wyss & Co, Zurich | 1927 | | Article |
Obenchain's Improved Little Giant turbine water wheel | | Knowlton & Dolan, Logansport, IND | 1881 | | Book |
Observations on the history of water power | Stowers, Arthur | Newcomen Society | 1957 | April 19 | Manuscript/Typescript |
On the development of water power by Gilkes | | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | 1949 | November | Book |
On the history of the exploitation of water power in Eretz-Israel | Avitsur, Shmuel | Avshalom Institute for Homeland Studies | 1960 | | Book |
Pamphlet and price list on Smith's New Success Water Wheel | | York Manufacturing Co, York, PA | 1880 | | Book |
Pelton Wheel, leaflet M39 | | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Perfect American Hurdy-Gurdy | | American Impulse Wheel Co | 1897 | | Book |
Perfection water wheel, the great water economiser | | Craig Ridgway & Son, Coatesville, PA | 1880 | | Book |
Poole & Hunt's Leffel Double Turbine Water Wheel | | C Cadle Engineer, Dublin | 1882 | | Book |
Power and glory of waterwheels: steps along the road to better performance | Hawksley, G J | SPAB | 2008 | | Book |
Power and performance of Roman water-mills: hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills | Hawksley, Jeff; Spain, R J | British Archaeological Reports | 2008 | | Book |
Power of Leather Belting and Shafts | | Chas Louis Hett, Brigg | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Preliminary study about methods for harvesting energy from marine resources | Novo, Riccardo | The author | 2015 | July | Digital |
Price List | | Chas Louis Hett, Brigg | 1893 | | Book |
Price list of turbines | | H Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry | 1890 | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Principles of construction and efficiency of water-wheels | Donaldson, William | E & F N Spon | 1876 | | Book |
Read and be convinced that the SUCCESS is the leading water wheel in America | | S Morgan Smith, York, PA | | | Book |
Recent Marked Improvements to the Colllins-Jonval Turbine | | J P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn | 1885 | | Book |
Renewable energy and the tidal power options | Elliott, David | Science and Public Policy | 1987 | October pp 257-262 | Article |
Romance of water-power | Lewis, Paul | Sampson, Low, Marston & Co | 1931 | | Book |
Rudimentary treatise on the power of water as applied to drive flour mills and to give motion to turbines and other hydrostatic engines | Glynn, Joseph | John Weale | 1853 | | Copied document |
Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water, As Applied to Drive Flour Mills, and to Give Motion to Turbines and Other Hydrostatic Engines | Glynn, Joseph | John Weale | 1835 | | Book |
Small & Domestic hydro-electric installations | | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Smith's Improved Success Water Wheel | | S Morgan Smith, York, PA | 1892 | | Book |
Special catalogue of spring governors | | Theodor Wiede, Chemnitz, Saxony | 1903 | | Book |
Special New American Turbine Wheel | | Wm R Dell & Son | 1898 | | Book |
Spiral-cased Francis Turbine leaflet M.12A | | Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Steam engines and waterwheels: a pictorial study of some early mining machines | Woodall, Frank D | Moorland Publishing | 1975 | | Book |
Stronger than a hundred men: a history of the vertical water wheel | Reynolds, Terry S | John Hopkins University Press | 1983 | | Book |
Surviving evidence of technological history: part 3: The impulse turbine in Irish watermills: two unusual surviving cornmills | Bowie, Gavin G S | Irish Engineers Journal | 1974 | Vol 2 (6) pp 20-22 | Article |
Teacher's guide to water power projects | | Centre for Alternative Technology | | | Education pack |
Tidal Power | Baker, A C | Peter Peregrinus Ltd | 1991 | | Book |
Treatise relative to the testing of water-wheels and machinery: with various other matters pertaining to hydrodynamics | Emerson, James | SPOOM | 1994 | | Facsimile reprint |
Turbine "Hercule" | | Singrun Freres, Epinal, Vosges | | | Brochure, leaflet or poster |
Turbine Idrauliche | | Costruzioni Meccaniche Riva | 1915 | | Book |
Turbine water wheels | | Risdon-Alcott Turbine Co Mount Holly, NJ | 1901 | | Book |
Turbine water-wheel tests and power tables | Horton, Robert E | K.W. Inc. | 1981 | | Book |
Turbinen catalog | | Gebruder Seck, Darmstadt | 1886 | | Book |