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Arkwright and the mills at CromfordArkwright Society1973Book
Arkwright's Masson Mill: 1771-1946Masson MillBook
Armley mills: the Leeds Industrial MuseumBrears, P C DLeeds City Museums1984Book
Armley mills: the Leeds Industrial MuseumLeeds City Council1999Book
Arriving at Dinas MawddwyHunt, JulianMeirion1976Book
Barrington woolen mill: Barrington, Nova ScotiaNova Scotia MuseumBook
Barrowburn: the rediscovery of a medieval fulling mill, project reportCoquetdale Community Archaeology2011Book
Batán de MosquetinVarela, Jose Manuel VazquezDeputaton da Coruna1999Book
Best means of preventing the pollution of rivers, 3rd and 4th reportsHMSOBook
Blanket makers: 1669-1969: a history of Charles Early & Marriott (Witney) Ltd.Early, Richard E; Plummer, AlfredAugustus M Kelley1969Book
Bliss mill, Chipping Norton: industrial Lancashire in the CostwoldsHurrell, HaroldThe author1996Book
Bradshaw Works: history of Bradshaw, part 2Francis, James JTurton Local History Society1979Book
Brandon Silk Mill: Ghosts of the 11th GreenLangley, AnneStretton Millenium History Group2001Book
Brickmaking: a history and gazetteerCox, AlanBedfordshire County Council1979Book
Brock Bottoms: a history of the mill and the communityParker, SLancashire County Books1992Book
Building in focus: The East Mill, DundeeIllsley, RogerSPAB2022Blog 28 AprilDigital
Burnley cotton millsNadin, JackTempus2008Book
Cloth industry in the west of England: from 1640 to 1880Mann, J de LAlan Sutton1987Book
Coldharbour mill guide: working wool museumBook
Coldharbour mill, Uffculme, Devon: its origins and place in the history of the West Country Woollen IndustryColdharbour Mill Trust, Coldharbour Mill TrustBook
Compendious history of the cotton manufacture: with a disproval of the claim of Sir Richard ArkwrightGuest, RichardFrank Cass1968Facsimile or Transcription
Concerning the bleaching industrySykes, Sir Alan JohnBleachers' Association1925Book
Cotswold Lions: the story of the wool trade in Chipping CampdenCampden and District Historical and Archaeological Society2012Book
Cotton in AshtonHaynes, IanLibraries and art committee1987Book
Cotton mills in Greater ManchesterFarnie, D A; Williams, MikeCarnegie Publishing1992Book
Cotton mills of Bolton 1780-1985: a historical directoryLongworth, James HBolton Museum & Art Gallery1986Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1985Book
Cotton mills of OldhamOldham Education & Leisure Services1979Book
Cotton mills of OldhamGurr, Duncan; Hunt, JulianOldham Education & Leisure Services1998Book
Cotton mills of Preston: the power behind the threadDickinson, T CCarnegie Publishing2002Book
David Dale of New Lanark: a bright luminary to ScotlandMcLaren, David JHeatherbank press1983Book
Derwent Valley mills and their communitiesDerwent Valley Mills Partnership2001Book
Derwent Valley Textile MillsCalladine, Anthony; Falconer, Keith A; Menuge, AdamBelper North Mill Trust2001Book
Devon leather: An outline history of a lost industry: nineteenth century tanners and tanneriesBodman, MartinLeat Press2008Book
Distribution of Early Fulling mills in England and WalesPelham, R AGeographical Association1944Book
Dolphinholme: a history of the Dolphinholme worsted mill, 1784 to 1867Hall, Percy PatrickFylde Historical Society1969Book
Dukinfield cotton millsHaynes, IanNeil Richardson1993Book
Dunkirk mills: a brief historyMackintosh, IanStroudwater Textile Trust2002Book
Early American millsZimiles, Martha; Zimiles, MurrayBramhall Hoouse1973Book
Early factory masters: the transition to the factory system in the Midlands textile industryChapman, Stanley DDavid & Charles1967Book
East Cheshire textile millsCalladine, Anthony; Fricker, JeanRCHME1993Book
Esgair Moel woollen millJenkins, J GeraintNational Museum of Wales1965Book
Esgair Moel woollen millJenkins, J GeraintNational Museum of Wales1975Book
Flannel makers: a brief history of the Welsh woollen industryJenkins, J GeraintGomer Press1985Book
Four centuries of Lancashire cottonTimmins, GeoffreyLancashire County Books1996Book
Fulling mill: Old AlresfordSanderson, IThe author1974Brochure, leaflet or poster
Fulling Mills of SussexVincent, AlexThe author2014Book
Fulling mills: a study in the application of water power to the woollen industryPelham, R ASPAB1958Book
Gloucestershire woollen industry, 1100-1690Perry, RBristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society1945Book
Gloucestershire woollen mills: The Industrial Archaeology of the British IslesTann, JenniferDavid & Charles1967Book