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Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 1 & 2Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974January - JuneJournal
Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 3 & 4Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974July-DecemberJournal
Occupations of enslaved women on Buff Bay Plantation, 1819UCL database: Legacies of British Slavery Website
Papers of Hornung & Co LtdWest Sussex Record Office online cataogueWebsite
Sugar mills (Tawahin es-Sukkar) in the Jordan valleyAbu-dalo, RubaInternational Molinology2010no 80 pp 26-34Article
Sugar changed the World: A story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and scienceAronson, Marc; Budhos, Marina2010Book
Water power in traditional sugar and olive oil production in the land of IsraelAvitsur, ShmuelTIMS1973Transactions volume 3 pp 175-1Article
Industrial archaeology in FijiBloomfield, G TIndustrial Archaeology1973Vol 10, February (1) pp 1-20Article
Changing sugar technology and the labour nexus: the Caribbean, 1750-1900Boomgaard, Peter; Oostindie, GertNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden198963 no: 1/2, Leiden, 3-22Digital
Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia: Industrial production, 1770-2010Bosma, UlbeCambridge University Press2013Book
Sugar mills and salt pans in JavaBoucher, JohnTIMS2007Transactions volume 12 pp 485-Article
Early use of steam power in the cane sugar industryBrooks, Alexander; Deerr, NoelNewcomen Society1941Article
Evolution of the sugar cane millBrooks, Alexander; Deerr, NoelNewcomen Society1941Article
History of the British West IndiesBurns, Sir AlanGeorge Allen & Unwin1965Book
Confronting the Crisis of the Slave-Based Plantation System in Puerto Rico: Bureaucratic Proposals for Agricultural Modernisation, Diversification and Free Labour, c1846–1852Chinea, Jorge LJournal of Latin American Studies2010vol 42 (1) 121–154Digital
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills and steam power in BarbadosCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020SeptemberDigital
Historic Architecture in the Caribbean IslandsCrain, Edward ELibraryPress@UF2017-Digital
Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation: Black Slaves and the British EmpireCraton, Michael; Walvin, James; Wright, DavidLongman1976Book
Spalding's sugar works site, Sapelo Island, GeorgiaCrook Jr, Morgan R; O'Grady, Patricia DIndustrial Archaeology1977Vol 12 Winter (4) pp 318-336, Article
Cuban Sugar Industry: Transnational Networks and Engineering Migrants in Mid-nineteenth Century CubaCurry-Machado, JonathanPalgrave2011Book
Sugar, Engineering and Commerce in Nineteenth Century Cuba (Sub-imperial Globalisation and the Phoenix of Empire)Curry-Machado, JonathanCommodities of Empire2007Working Paper No.2Digital
Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic HistoryCurtin, Philip DCambridge University Press2005Book
Moulins de la MartiniqueDarsières, Camille; Jean-Baptiste, Nicaise; Joseph, Yves-AndréAssociation Régionale des Amis des Moulins de la MartiniqueBook
History of sugar Volume 2Deerr, NoelChapman & Hall1950Book
History of sugar Volume 1Deerr, NoelChapman & Hall1949Book
Spatial Analysis of Sugar Plantations on St Eustatius Netherlands AntillesDelle, James AWMScholarworks1989ProQuest 10628123Digital
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 1: St John's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2017Book
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 2: St George's Parish and St Peter's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2019Book
Plantations of Antigua: the sweet success of sugar. Vol 3: St Philip's, St Paul's and St Mary's ParishDery, Donald A; Meeker, Agnes CAuthorhouse, Indiana2020Book
Recovering Scotland's slavery past: The Caribbean connectionDevine, Tom MEdinburgh University Press2015Book
Legacies of British slave-ownership: Colonial slavery and the formation of Victorian BritainDonington, Katie; Draper, Nicholas; Hall, Catherine; Lang, Rachel; McClelland, KeithCambridge University Press2014Book
Sugar and slaves: the rise of the planter class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713Dunn, Richard SJonathan Cape1973Book
Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile CaribbeanEller, AnneOxford University Press2017-Digital
Slave prices, the African slave trade and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674–1807Eltis, David; Lewis, Frank D; Richardson, DavidEconomic History Review2005LVIII (4), 673–700Digital
Sugar, slavery and emancipation: the industrial archaeology of the West Indian island of TobagoEubanks, Thomas HalesUniversity of Florida1992-Digital
Sugar and slavery, family and race; the letters and diaries of Pierre Dessalles, planter in Martinique, 1808-1856Forster, Elborg; Forster, RobertJohn Hopkins University Press1996Book
Sugar manufacturing in the West Indies: A study of innovation and variationFrance, Linda GailWMScholarworks1984-Digital
Masters and the slaves: A study in the development of Brazilian civilisationFreyre, GilbertoWeidenfeld and Nicolson1956Book
Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved women, violence and the archiveFuentes, Marisa JUniversity of Pennsylvania2016Book
Sugar cane industry: An historical geography from its origins to 1914Galloway, J HCambridge University Press1989Book
Sugar industry of Pernambuco during the nineteenth centuryGalloway, J HAnnals of the Association of American Geographers1968Vol 58 (2) 285-303Digital
British in the CaribbeanHamshere, CyrilWeidenfeld and Nicolson1972Book
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century BarbadosHandler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew CNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden2017Issue 91 pp 30-55Digital
'The Garden of the World': An historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean (1632)Hicks, DanBritish Archaeological Reports2007Book
Journey down an Archives Rabbit HoleHow, NeilInternet Archive2023-Digital
Black Labor, White Sugar: Caribbean Braceros and Their Struggle for Power in the Cuban Sugar IndustryHoward, Philip ALouisiana State University Press2015Book
Sugar mills of MartiniqueHuyghues-Belrose, VincentInternational Molinology2014no 88 pp 33-40Article
Val d'Or sugar mill, MartiniqueHuyghues-Belrose, VincentInternational Molinology2015no 90 pp 38-41Article
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
Windmills in the West Indies: Dutch entrepreneurs and the development of Barbados, 1621–1655Kieft, N Cunpublished paper deposited at the Barbados Museum and Historical SocietyundatedDigital