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Estate ruins as loci for industrial archaeology in JamaicaSatchell, Veront MIndustrial Archaeology Review2004XXVI (1) 37-44Article
Hamilton's sugar mill, Nevis, Leeward Islands, Eastern CaribbeanWright, Ann; Wright, NeilIndustrial Archaeology Review1991XIII (2), 114-141 Article
Sugar, Engineering and Commerce in Nineteenth Century Cuba (Sub-imperial Globalisation and the Phoenix of Empire)Curry-Machado, JonathanCommodities of Empire2007Working Paper No.2Digital
Commonwealth within itself - The early Brazilian sugar industry, 1550-1670Schwartz, Stuart BRevista de Indias2005vol. LXV, no 233 pp. 79-116Digital
Home-grown Slaves: Women, Reproduction, and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Jamaica 1788–1807Turner, SashaJournal of Women’s History2011Vol. 23 No. 3, 39–62.Digital
Slave Women and Reproduction in Jamaica, c .1776–1834Morgan, KennethHistorical Association2006vol 91 (302) 231-253Digital
Freedom and oppression of slaves in the eighteenth-century CaribbeanStinchcombe, Arthur LAmerican Sociological Review1994Vol 59 (6) December pp 911-929Digital
Sugar industry of Pernambuco during the nineteenth centuryGalloway, J HAnnals of the Association of American Geographers1968Vol 58 (2) 285-303Digital
Windmills and steam power in BarbadosWailes, RexNewcomen Society1970Vol 42 pp 127 - 148Offprint/Journal Supplement
Confronting the Crisis of the Slave-Based Plantation System in Puerto Rico: Bureaucratic Proposals for Agricultural Modernisation, Diversification and Free Labour, c1846–1852Chinea, Jorge LJournal of Latin American Studies2010vol 42 (1) 121–154Digital
Steam and Sugar: Diffusion of the Stationary Steam Engine to the Caribbean Sugar Industry 1770-1840Tann, JenniferHistory of Technology, vol 19 pp 63-841997vol 19 pp 63-84Digital
Sugar Machines: Picturing Industrialized SlaveryJohn, CrowleyAmerican Historical Review2016vol 121, 2, (April), 403-436Digital
Spalding's sugar works site, Sapelo Island, GeorgiaCrook Jr, Morgan R; O'Grady, Patricia DIndustrial Archaeology1977Vol 12 Winter (4) pp 318-336, Article
Industrial archaeology in FijiBloomfield, G TIndustrial Archaeology1973Vol 10, February (1) pp 1-20Article
Windmills in the West Indies: Dutch entrepreneurs and the development of Barbados, 1621–1655Kieft, N Cunpublished paper deposited at the Barbados Museum and Historical SocietyundatedDigital
Sugar mills in Southern Spain with special reference to San Isidro Mill in El Trapiche (Vélez-Malága)Lavandera, Efrén FernándezTIMS1993Transactions volume 8 pp 81-88Article
Water power in traditional sugar and olive oil production in the land of IsraelAvitsur, ShmuelTIMS1973Transactions volume 3 pp 175-1Article
Medieval sugar mills on Cyprusvan Bergen, WillemTIMS2015Transactions volume 14 pp 75-8Article
Sugar mills and salt pans in JavaBoucher, JohnTIMS2007Transactions volume 12 pp 485-Article
Sugarcane milling throughout the centuriesvan Bergen, WillemTIMS2007Transactions volume 12 pp 103Article
Some Caribbean sugar millsRoberts, NiallTIMS1993Transactions vol 8 pp 167-178Article
Rex Wailes Collection. Windmills and steam power in BarbadosCookson, Mildred MMilling & Grain 2020SeptemberDigital
Spatial Analysis of Sugar Plantations on St Eustatius Netherlands AntillesDelle, James AWMScholarworks1989ProQuest 10628123Digital
Some Caribbean sugar millsRoberts, NiallUnpublished1989November 24Manuscript/Typescript
Val d'Or sugar mill, MartiniqueHuyghues-Belrose, VincentInternational Molinology2015no 90 pp 38-41Article
Sugar mills of MartiniqueHuyghues-Belrose, VincentInternational Molinology2014no 88 pp 33-40Article
Sugar mills (Tawahin es-Sukkar) in the Jordan valleyAbu-dalo, RubaInternational Molinology2010no 80 pp 26-34Article
Sugar windmillsvan Bergen, WillemInternational Molinology2021no 101 pp 2-9Article
British Empire and the Suppression of the Slave Trade to Brazil: A Global History AnalysisParron, TâmisJournal of World History2018March Vol 29 (1) pp. 1-36Digital
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Slave prices, the African slave trade and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674–1807Eltis, David; Lewis, Frank D; Richardson, DavidEconomic History Review2005LVIII (4), 673–700Digital
Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 3 & 4Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974July-DecemberJournal
Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice Vol 53 nos 1 & 2Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1974January - JuneJournal
Histoire des domaines sucrièrs de l'ile MauriceRouillard, GuyRevue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice1964Jan- Mar vol 43 pp 5-21Offprint/Journal Supplement
Contesting “White Slavery” in the Caribbean: Enslaved Africans and European Indentured Servants in Seventeenth-Century BarbadosHandler, Jerome S; Reilly, Matthew CNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden2017Issue 91 pp 30-55Digital
Changing sugar technology and the labour nexus: the Caribbean, 1750-1900Boomgaard, Peter; Oostindie, GertNew West Indian Guide/ Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, Leiden198963 no: 1/2, Leiden, 3-22Digital
Women and Slavery in the Caribbean : A Feminist PerspectiveReddock, Rhoda ELatin American Perspectives198512 pp 63-80Digital
Horizontal sugar millsRoberts, NiallMills Research Group1992-Digital
Historic Architecture in the Caribbean IslandsCrain, Edward ELibraryPress@UF2017-Digital
Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West IndiesParker, MatthewRandom House2011-Digital
Bittersweet: The Story of SugarMcKinnis, PeterAllen & Unwin 2002-Digital
Sugar, slavery and emancipation: the industrial archaeology of the West Indian island of TobagoEubanks, Thomas HalesUniversity of Florida1992-Digital
Sugar manufacturing in the West Indies: A study of innovation and variationFrance, Linda GailWMScholarworks1984-Digital
Machines That Milled the Sugar-Canes: The Horizontal Double Roller Mills in the First Sugar Plantations of the AmericasStevens-Acevedo, Anthony RThe author2013-Digital
Sugar Factory in the Colonial West Indies: an Archaeological and Historical Comparative AnalysisMeide, ChuckCollege of William and Mary2003-Digital
Journey down an Archives Rabbit HoleHow, NeilInternet Archive2023-Digital
Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile CaribbeanEller, AnneOxford University Press2017-Digital
Slave experience in the CaribbeanKlein, Herbert SAtlantic History Study Centre Regional Tourism and Culture Office1996-Digital
Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex: Essays in Atlantic HistoryCurtin, Philip DCambridge University Press2005Book
Hundred years of sugar refining: the story of the Love Lane Refinery 1872-1972Watson, J ATate & Lyle Refineries1973Book