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Mill of simple construction in which a dog is the first moverMechanics magazine, museum register, journal & gazette1823Saturday December 13, 241-243Article
Old mills of CambridgeStokes, H PProc Cambridge Antiquarian Society1910vol LVII pp 181 -233Article
WindmillsBurne, E Lancaster; Johnson, C WThe Greyfriar1912Vol VI (86) DecemberArticle
Home-made windmills of the Prairie StatesEastman, PhilipThe Cosmopolitan1902XXXVI (2, December) pp 201-208Article
Spur and bevel gearing; a treatise on the principles, dimensions, calculation, design and strength of spur and bevel gearing, together with chapters on special tooth forms and methods of cutting gear teethOberg, ErikIndustrial Press, New York1915Article
Balanced Gate turbineChristiana Machine Co, PA1889Book
Empress water motorE S Taylor & Co, Liverpool1880Book
Obenchain's Improved Little Giant turbine water wheelKnowlton & Dolan, Logansport, IND1881Book
Little Giant Double TurbineHowes & Ewell1886Book
Turbines of Various TypesChas Louis Hett, Brigg1889Book
Price ListChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Concise Turbine Tables and revised price listChas Louis Hett, Brigg1893Book
Rural Water SupplyHett, Chrles LE & F N Spon1888Book
Complete Plant for the Development of Water PowerJames Gordon & Co1909Book
Bodine's Jonval Turbine Water WheelGenesee Valley Mfg Co, NY1887Book
Catalog DHydraulic Turbine Corp.Camden, NY1915Book
Special New American Turbine WheelWm R Dell & Son1898Book
New American turbineWm R Dell & Son1892Book
Catalogue of clutches, turbines, governors, steam engines and sausage filling machinesN J H King & Co, Nailsworth, Glos1903Book
Catalogue and price list for Empress turbineH Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry1890Book
Empress Turbine Water WheelsH Kennedy & Son, Coleraine, Londonderry1890Book
Holyoke Machine Company catalogueHolyoke Machine Company1895Book
Water Power Catalogue EJames Gordon & Co1912Book
Perfect American Hurdy-GurdyAmerican Impulse Wheel Co1897Book
Poole & Hunt's Leffel Double Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1882Book
King of TurbinesC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1886Book
Catalogue of the 'New American' turbineWm R Dell & Son1893Book
Catalogue of "New American" Turbine and Fruen water wheel governorWm R Dell & Son1888Book
Hydraulic power and hydrolyic machineryRobinson, HenryCharles Griffin1904Book
Treatise on the steam engine: historical, practical, and descriptive (1827): volume 1Farey, JohnLongman1827Book
Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge Volume 2 (1833)Charles Knight1834Book
Practical Treatise on Mill-Gearing, Wheels, Shafts, Riggers etc for the use of engineersBox, ThomasE & F N Spon1888Book
Use of windmills in irrigation in the semiarid westFuller, P EUS Department of Agriculture1910Book
Wells and windmills in NebraskaBarbour, Edwin HinckleyUS Geological Survey1899Book
Cuban Cane Sugar: a Sketch of the Industry, from Soil to Sack, Together with a Survey of the Circumstances Which Combine to Make Cuba The Sugar Bowl of the WorldWiles, RobertBobbs-Merrill Company1916Book
Book of WheatDondlinger, Peter TracyOrange Judd Company1919Book
Battle for Native Industry. The Debate upon the Corn Laws, the corn importation and customs' duties bills and the other financial measures of the government in session 1846. Vol 1.Office of the Society for the Protection of Agriculture and British Industry1846Book
Battle for Native Industry. The Debate upon the Corn Laws, the corn importation and customs' duties bills and the other financial measures of the government in session 1846. Vol 2.Office of the Society for the Protection of Agriculture and British Industry1846Book
Technics of flour milling: a handbook for millersHalliwell, WilliamStraker Bothers, London1904Book
Modern Turbine Practise and Water-Power PlantsThurso, John WolfArchibald Constable & Co1907Book
Cadle Duplex Jet Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1891Book
New American Turbines. Catalogue RDayton Globe, Ohio1909JanuaryBook
Recent Marked Improvements to the Colllins-Jonval TurbineJ P Collins & Co. Norwich, Conn1885Book
Illustrated catalogue and price list of Wait's Hudson River Champion Turbine water wheelsP H Wait, Sandfy Hill, washington County, NY1882Book
Catalogue of Patent 'Daw' Rock Drills... Pelton wheels and trubinesA & Z Daw, London1894Book
Cadle & Ridgway Double Perfection Turbine Water WheelC Cadle Engineer, Dublin1888Book
Improved "Eureka" Turbine Water WheelBarber & Son, Allentown, PA1879Book
How to use water powerChatley, HerbertTechnical Publishing Co1907Book
How Explosives are MadeFitzgerald, William G.The Strand Magazine1895Book
Description, Tables, Prices &c of the 'New American TurbineWm R Dell & Son1886Book