Search Start a new search You can also directly search our Archive catalogue of images and documents. Showing results for ( Year equals 2004 ): Publications (Library) Search publications by topic TitleContributorsPublisherYearBatchDescripMedium Lowwood Gunpowder Works and Ironworks and the workers' hamlet of Low Wood, Cumbria: an archaeological and architectural surveyBerry, Tony; Dunn, Christopher; Fradgley, Nigel; Goodall, Ian H; Jecock, Marcus; Sinton, Philip; Taylor, SimonEnglish Heritage2004BookUp in the wind: WindmillsAshley, PeterEnglish Heritage2004BookInformation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und MühlenerhaltungAnon, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung2004BookBulletin of the Cumbria Industrial History SocietyCumbria Industrial History Society2004JournalMoulins du Cuir et de la Peau: Moulins à tan et à chamoiser en France XIIe-XXe SiècleAzéma, Jean-Pierre HenriCreer2004BookWindpower principles: their application on the small scaleCalvert, N GCalvert Technical Press2004BookGunpowder: a history of the explosive that changed the worldKelly, JackAtlantic Books2004BookGuide to the industrial archaeology of Hertfordshire and the Lea ValleyCarr, Bob; Smith, TimAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2004BookAu temps des moulins à ventGuilbaud, JeanAlan Sutton2004BookAWEP3.6 Wind generatorAbundant Renewable Energy, Oregon2004SeptemberBookCelebrating the centenary of Lexden Bridge 1904-20042004Brochure, leaflet or posterMarin collectionRoberts, Niall2004Manuscript/TypescriptDunlite Type BP (2KW) Blades2004Book Posts navigation Previous12