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Homebrew wind generatorBartmann, Dan2001Copied document
Archaeology of postmill trestles and millsteads: with a bibliographyStevens, Lawrence2001Book
Boulton & Watt Archive and the Matthew Boulton papers: parts 9 & 10Adam Matthew Publications2001Book
Evalutation of Marine Current EnergyAEA Technology, Harwell2001marchThesis/Report
Firework Book: Gunpowder in Medieval Germany (the) [Das Feuerwerkbuch]Kramer, Gerhard W; Leibnitz, KlausArms and Armour Society2001Book
Firework book: gunpowder in Medieval GermanyKramer, Gerhard W; Leibnitz, KlausArms and Armour Society2001Book
Guide to the industrial archaeology of Cambridgeshire & PeterboroughBalchin, Nigel; Filby, PeterAssociation for Industrial Archaeology2001Book
Molens in NederlandRoose, WillemAtrium2001Book
La grande histoire des scieurs de Long: tome 2Arnoult, AnnieAuto Edition AAA2001Book
Bacton, Suffolk: the place and the peopleGraham, Rose MBaccas Books2001Book
Derwent Valley Textile MillsCalladine, Anthony; Falconer, Keith A; Menuge, AdamBelper North Mill Trust2001Book
Cumbrian miningTyler, IanBlue Rock2001Book
Greenside and the mines of the Ullswater ValleyTyler, IanBlue Rock2001Book
Turning things around BWEA 23British Wind Energy Association2001October 16-18Symposium Transactions
Moinhos de Agua: legados de Sever do WougaMonteiro, Paulo Celso FerrnandesCamara Municipal de Sever do Vouga2001Book
Millers: a story of technological endeavour and industrial success, 1870-2001Jones, GlynCarnegie Publishing2001Book
Castleton pumping station, Sherborne: a historyPountain, RonCastleton Waterwheel Restoration Society2001Book
It's a breeze: a guide to choosing windpowerPiggott, HughCentre for Alternative Technology2001Book
Teacher's guide to wind power projectsCentre for Alternative Technology2001Education pack
Hub ironworks: a hundred years of iron casting in Chipping NortonHurrell, HaroldChipping Norton Museum2001Book
History of the royal and ancient park of Toxteth LiverpoolGriffiths, RobertCity of Liverpool2001Facsimile reprint
Guide to the Union Windmill: Cranbrook, KentTremenheere, WimCranbrook Windmill Association2001Book
Guide to Ifield water mill: a description of the mill and how it worksHenbery, E WCrawley Museum Society2001Book
Mindre danske vindmøller 1860 -1980Danmarks Vindkrafthistoriske Samling2001Book
Derwent Valley mills and their communitiesDerwent Valley Mills Partnership2001Book
Eoliennes et aérogénérateurs: guide de l'énergie éolienneCunty, GuyEdisud2001Book
Einfälle statt Abfälle Windkraft 2Kuhtz, ChristianEinfälle statt Abfälle2001Book
Einfälle statt Abfälle Windkraft 3Kuhtz, ChristianEinfälle statt Abfälle2001Book
Wave energy technology transfer and generic R&D recommendationsEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)2001Thesis/Report
Images of Cornish tinStoyel, Alan; Williams, PeterEnglish Heritage2001Book
Wheat breakage during roller millingBunn, P JEThOS2001ID: 617000Internet source
Eynsford paper millDuncombe, W GFarningham and Eynsford Local History Society2001Book
Wie nutze ich Windenergie in Haus und GartenHanus, BoFranzis’ Verlag2001Book
Slate railways of WalesRichards, Alun JohnGwasg Carreg Gwalch2001Book
English medieval industries: craftsmen, techniques, productsBlair, John; Ramsey, NigelHambledon and London2001Book
Op molenpad in Zeeland-ZuidOuweneel, HansHanova Media2001Book
Lancaster mill race: with notes on the Green AyreHorsfield, KeithHudson History2001Book
Forge d'AubeLecherbonnier, YannickInventaire General SPADEM2001Book
Small wind systems for battery charging: a guide for development workersDunnett, Simon; Khennas, Smail; Piggott, HughITDG Intermediate Technology Development Group2001JulyBook
Wind rotor blade construction: small wind systems for battery chargingFernando, Sunith; Piggott, Hugh; Sanchez Campos, TeodoroITDG Intermediate Technology Development Group2001JulyBook
World wheat book: a history of wheat breedingAngus, William J; Bonjean, Alain PLavoisier2001Book
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 16Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust2001SpringDigital
Open-ait museum, BokrijkDe Keyser, LaurensLudion2001Book
Museum of Welsh Life; visitor guideNational Museum of Wales2001Brochure, leaflet or poster
Houghton mill: cat and rat trailPolge, HeatherNational Trust2001Book
Stainsby millStaunton, PamelaNational Trust2001Book
Windmills and how they workReeder, SybilNorth East Mills Group2001Book
Northumbrian mills with horizontal waterwheelsHutt, DuncanNorth East Mills Group2001Book
Nent Force Level and brewery shaftWilkinson, PeterNorth Pennines Heritage Trust2001Book
Eight centuries of milling in north east YorkshireHarrison, John KNorth Yorks Moors National Park Authority2001Book