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Publications (Library)

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Persian windmillsHarverson, MichaelTIMS1991Book
Teacher's guide to using listed buildingsKeith, CrispinEnglish Heritage1991Education pack
Kottmarsdorfer MühlengeschichtenDressler, BerndOrtsgruppe des Kulturbundes e.V. und der Gemeindeverwaltung Kottmarsdorf1991Book
Mill 364: papermaking at St Cuthbert'sLuker, BrianSt Cuthbert's Paper Mill1991Book
Some watermills of south-west ShropshireTucker, D GordonMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1991Book
Gunton Park sawmillFunnell, BarréNorfolk Windmills Trust1991Book
Yorkshire windmillsWhitworth, AlanM.T.D. Rigg1991Book
Windmills of Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough.: A History of Twentieth Century SitesStainwright, Trevor LWD Wharton1991Book
Mount Pleasant windmill guideWhite, J R; White, P JMount Pleasant Windmill1991Brochure, leaflet or poster
Windmühle LechtigenRölker, HeinzVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1991Book
Die Accumer MühleMögling, DieterVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1991Book
Design & Economic Study of the Low-Head Cross-Flow turbineDixon, ; Fraenkel, PeterIT Power inc1991AprilThesis/Report
Lowfield Heath Windmill Newsletter 06Lowfield Heath Windmill Trust1991FebruaryDigital
EnergywithoutendFlood, MichaelFriends of the Earth1991JulyBook
FMBRA BulletinCollins, T H; Little, K; Pritchard, P EFlour Milling & Baking Research Asscociation1991No 4 (August)Journal
Persective of wind energy: Status reports A, B, C, D Strategy DoumentBeurskens, H J M; Lysen, E HEuropean Wind Energy Association1991OctoberThesis/Report
Wave Energy Review, Interim ReportEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1991OctoberThesis/Report
Memorandum from the Centre for Alternative Technology to the Commons Select Committee on EnergyCentre for Alternative Technology1991October 3Book
Kiplings Mill, Park Mill, Batemans, Burwash, East SussexCase, AlfJournal of the Society of Model and Experimental Engineers1991vol 7 (3) pp 6-11Article
Hamilton's sugar mill, Nevis, Leeward Islands, Eastern CaribbeanWright, Ann; Wright, NeilIndustrial Archaeology Review1991XIII (2), 114-141 Article