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Publications (Library)

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Some watermills of south-west ShropshireTucker, D GordonMidland Wind & Water Mills Group1991Book
Stembridge tower millTaylor, Kathleen DNational Trust1991Brochure, leaflet or poster
Sussex industrial history; issue no.21Austen, Brian; Buckland, J S PSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1991Book
Teacher's guide to using listed buildingsKeith, CrispinEnglish Heritage1991Education pack
Tidal PowerBaker, A CPeter Peregrinus Ltd1991Book
Water mills of the Borough of NewcastleRiley, GeorgeBorough of Newcastle-under-Lyme1991Book
Watermill in the manor of Mount Burres at 1086Walker, SThe author1991Manuscript/Typescript
Watermills of the Leybourne and Holborough streamsFuller, M JThe author1991Book
Watermolens - Wassermühlen: Overijssel, Grafschaft Bentheim, Gelderse Achterhoek, WestmünsterlandDickel, H; Dresemann, M; Dückerhoff, H; Elling, W; Hagens, Herman; Hentschel, M; Sander, G; Trill, H; Wermert, JTwents-Gelderse Uitgeverij Witkam-de Bruyn1991Book
Waterwheel: teacher's handbookSingleton, MichaelPainshill Park Education Trust1991Education pack
Wave Energy Review, Interim ReportEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1991OctoberThesis/Report
Wieliczka: Muzeum Żup KrakówJodlowski, AntoniMuzeum Zup Krakowskich Wieliczka1991Book
Wind energy for the third worldBrughuis, FransWorking Group on Development Techniques1991Book
Wind Energy in EuropeEuropean Wind Energy Association1991Book
Windmills of Northamptonshire and the Soke of Peterborough.: A History of Twentieth Century SitesStainwright, Trevor LWD Wharton1991Book
Windmühle LechtigenRölker, HeinzVereinigung zur Erhaltung der Wind- und Wassermühlen in Niedersachsen und Bremen1991Book
WindmühlenbauSchnelle, WernerVerlag für Bauwesen, Berlin1991Book
Work of Norman and Smithson millwrights of Hull 1780-1831 and the development of milling technologyGregory, RoyRoy Gregory1991Book
Yorkshire windmillsWhitworth, AlanM.T.D. Rigg1991Book
Zeeuwse MolensStaat, WlllemStichting Natuur- en Recreatieinformatie1991Book