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Publications (Library)

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LS-1 Wind turbine generatorWind Energy Group, Middlesex1988Brochure, leaflet or poster
Man, Environment, Energy 2. The PresentVarious authors, ENI, Rome1988Book
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle AgesGimpel, JeanPimlico1988Book
Medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the Middle AgesGimpel, JeanWildwood House1988Book
Mills and factories of New EnglandBreisch, Kenneth; Hambourg, Serge; Perrin, NoelHarry N Abrams1988Book
Mills of medieval EnglandHolt, RichardBasil Blackwell1988Book
Mills site indexing; a progress report from 1965 to 1985Bryan, Anthony A (Tony)Mills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Mines of the Lake District fellsAdams, JohnDalesman1988Book
Mühlen im SechsämterlandArzberger, DieterVerlag Gisela Arzberger1988Book
Museumgids Provincaal Molenmuseum WachtebekeDhont, Etiene; Wezenbeek, PeterN V Erasmus, Wetteren1988JulyBook
Nether Alderley mill: CheshireBoucher, Cyril T GNational Trust1988Book
Newgate prison mill, 1752Buckland, J S PUnpublished1988May 23Digital
Papermaking in Britain 1488-1988: a short historyHills, Richard LAthlone Press1988Book
Penwortham in the pastCrosby, AlanCarnegie Publishing1988Book
Proposal for Installation of Hydro-Electric Power System at Port Howard, W FalklandFraenkel, Peter; Watson, Geoffrey RIT Power inc1988AugustThesis/Report
Proposals for Mill TestingJones, David HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Ringsted vindmølleHeltoft, KjeldPBI Holding, Ringsted1988Book
Saxtead Green post millWailes, RexEnglish Heritage1988Book
Schetsen van PapierwatermolensNijhof, PBuhrmann Ubbens Papier1988Book
Severn Barrage: tidal energy for the futureModern Power Systems1988Brochure, leaflet or poster
Slate from Blaenau FfestiniogIsherwood, Graham GAB Publishing1988Book
Sleepy MeeseRobinson, D HWaine Research1988Book
Small-scale milling in MoroccoHarverson, MichaelMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Southern Wey: a guideBowles, Nick; Kane, MartinRiver Wey Trust1988Book
Strom aus Sonne, Wind, Wasser,Biogas, MüllSchleswag1988Book
Thomas Hennell: countryman, artist, writerMacLeod, MichaelCambridge University Press1988Book
Tidal Power from the River Mersey, A Feasibility Study, Stage 1; contractor reportEnergy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)1988Thesis/Report
Tidemill research within Chesapeake BayPlunkett, DavidMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
To Shoot Hard Labour: The Life and Times of Samuel Smith an Antiguan Workingman 1877-1982Smith, Fred C; Smith, K BKaria Press 1988Book
Tongaland TourSouth of Scotland Electricity Board1988Book
Tratado de molinologia: los molinos de GuipúzcoaSorrondo, Antxon AguirreEditorial Eusko Ikaskuntza SA1988Book
Un autor Aragones para los veintiun libros de los ingenios y de las maquinasFrago Gracia, Juan A; Garcia-Diego, Jose ADiputacion General De Aragon1988Book
Vallesia. Bulletin annuel de la Bibliotheque et des Archives cantonales du Valais, des Musees de la Valere et de la Marjorie1988XL IllSymposium Transactions
Variable mill sail weatherBuckland, J S PMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Vertical three-roller sugar millWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Wassermühlen: 35 000 Kleinkraftwerke zum Wohnen und ArbeitenKur, Friedrich; Wolf, Heinz GeorgVerlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe1988Book
Water-powered pumping engines in S.E. EnglandCumming, RobMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Watermills of Ontario, Quebec & maritime CanadaCooper, W StephenMcGraw-Hill1988Book
Weedley windmill site: R. GregoryGregory, RoyMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Wheat: chemistry and technology volume 1Pomeranz, YAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1988Book
Wheat: chemistry and technology volume 2Pomeranz, YAmerican Association of Cereal Chemists1988Book
Wind and watermills of RutlandHenry, DavidSpiegl Press1988Book
Wind EnergyCentre for Alternative Technology1988Book
Wind Energy Conversion; Proceedings of the 1988 Tenth BWEA Wind Energy WorkshopMilborrow, D JMechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.1988Symposium Transactions
Wind power at Capel CynonCentral Electricity Generating Board1988or 1989Book
Windmills and millers of BrightonDawes, H TSussex Industrial Archaeology Society1988Book
Windmills in churchesNorchi (m Bryan), Philippa BMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Windmuhlen in Schleswig-Holstein in alten Ansicht, Band 3Heesch, WalterEuropaische Bibliothek1988Book
Windmühlen in WoldegkAnon, Kunstverlag H.C. Schmiedicke, Leipzig1988Book
Windmühlen: Symbole einer Landschaft in Oldenburg, Ostfriesland, im Emsland und Osnabrücker LandHashagen, Ingo; Popken, Adolf; Rodiger, Hans-BerndVerlag C. L. Mettcker & Söhne1988Book