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Cibinium:studien und miteilungen aus dem Hermannstadter Freilichtmuseum der Baurlichen TechnikMuzeul Brukenthal Sibiu1978Book
Water-mills of the Monnow and Trothy and their tributariesCoates, S D; Tucker, D GordonMonmouth District Museum Service1978Book
Warwickshire watermillsBooth, D T N (Tim)Midland Wind & Water Mills Group1978Book
Creating Solar Jobs: Options for Military Workers and CommunitiesBernstein, Alan; DeGrasse Jr., Robert; McFadden, David; Schutt, Randall; Shiras, Natalie; Street, EmersonMid-Peninsula Conversion Project1978NovemberBook
Komaromi mestersegekKecskes, LaszloMadach1978Book
Appropriate tecnology; Technolgy with a human faceDunn, P DMacmillan1978Book
Power inverter technologyLindsay, T JLindsay Publications1978Book
Decouvrez nos moulins: avec l'Association Régionale des Amis des Moulins Nord-Pas-de-CalaisBruggeman, Jeanl'Association Régionale des Amis des Moulins Nord-Pas-de-Calais1978Book
Vlaamse molens: Wind- en watermolens in Vlaanderen: geschiedenis - bouw - werking - recht (Wind and water mills in Flanders: history - construction - operation - rights)Bauters, PaulKoninklijke Vereniging voor Natuur- en Stedeschoon1978Book
Characteristics of a sail millCalvert, N GJournal of Industrial Aerodynamics1978(3) pp 79-84Article
Miller's tale: A history of J. Bibby & Sons Ltd, LiverpoolBibby, C L; Bibby, J BJ. Bibby & Sons1978Book
Food for Man and BeastBarty-King, HughHutchinson1978Book
Controlling insect pests in flour millsHill, Edward GHMSO1978Book
Energy Policy: A Consultative DocumentHer Majesty's Stationery Office1978Book
Henry Simon 1878-1978 centenary: a centenary of service to the milling industryHenry Simon1978Book
De Rat: Een houtzaagmolen herreesVan der Molen, S JGemeente IJlst1978Book
Developments in the business and practice of cereal trading and technologyHayward, P RGavin Press1978Book
Harnessing the wind for home energyMcGuigan, DermotGarden Way Publishing1978Book
North Leverton windmill: history and guideBurton, J; Robinson, TFriends of the Windmill Association1978Book
Mr Tulip grinds to a haltMasters, ChristopherFrederick Warne1978Book
Les Moulins; Publication semestrielle de la Federation Francais des Amis des MoulinsFFAM1978Journal
Dartmoor Mines: (the) mines of the granite massAtkinson, Michael; Burt, Roger; Waite, PeterExeter Industrial Archaeology Group1978Book
Molens in de Zaanstreek in oude ansichten deel 2Neuhaus, Antoon Frans (Ton)Europese Bibliotheek1978Book
Lost windmills of RetfordBiggs, B JEaton Hall College of Education1978Book
Timms, the FLour MillersE Timms & Son Ltd1978Book
Papermaking: the history and technique of an ancient craftHunter, DardDover Publications1978Book
Large wind turbine generatorsDonovan, R M; Thomas, Ronald LDepartment of Energy (USA)1978Book
Run of the mill: a pictorial narrative of the expansion, dominion, decline and enduring impact of the New England textile industryDunwell, SteveDavid R Godine1978Book
Watermills of CumbriaDavies-Shiel, MikeDalesman1978Book
Cromford Canal Company, 1789-1852Walker, J WCromford Canal Society1978Book
Bogen om vindmøllerBugge, Jacob A ChrClausen Bøger1978Book
History of technology Vol. VI: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 1Williams, Trevor IClarendon Press1978Book
History of technology Vol. VII: The Twentieth Century, c.1900 to c.1950 Part 2Williams, Trevor IClarendon Press1978Book
An Alternative Strategy for the United KingdomAlty, C. J. N.; Hall, D. O.; McVeigh, J. C.; Musgrove, Peter; Platts, M. J.; Schumacher, P. C.; Todd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1978Book
Alternative energy strategy for the United KingdomTodd, R WCentre for Alternative Technology1978Book
Mechanix Illustrated budget windchargerCBS Publications, USA1978Book
Jobs From the Sub: Employment Development in the California Solar Energy IndustryBranfman, Fred; LaMar, SteveCalifornia Public Policy Centre1978FebruaryBook
De Eersteling; Korenmolen in HoofddorpPrins, DickBuro voorlichting gemeente Haarlemmermeer1978FebruaryBook
PaperBritish Paper and Board Industry Federation1978Book
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems Amsterdam September 1978; Volume 1British Hydromechanics Research Association (BHRA)1978Symposium Transactions
Vindmøller før og nu, BornholmKjølby, Udarbejdet; Kjølby, VilhelmBornholms Tidendes1978Book
Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems. Volume 1BHRA Fluid Engineering1978Book
Papers presented at the Second International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems. Volume 2BHRA Fluid Engineering1978Book
Standing windmills of East SussexMcDermott, Richard & RichardBetford Publications1978Book
Standing windmills of West SussexMcDermott, Richard & RichardBetford Publications1978Book
Animal-powered enginesMajor, J KennethBatsford1978Book
Avoncroft museum of buildingsDownie, GrahamAvoncroft Museum of Buildings1978Book
Association de sauvegarde du moulin Pelard bulletin no. 2Association de Sauvegarde du Moulin Pelard1978Book
Moinhos e Azenhas de PortugalGalhano, FernandoAssociação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Moinhos: Portuguese Association of Friends of Mills1978Book
Wind and watermills of PortugalGalhano, FernandoAssociação Portuguesa dos Amigos dos Moinhos: Portuguese Association of Friends of Mills1978Book