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Windmühlen-PraxisHipt, Hermann Op deVerlag Moritz Schafer1937Book
Flour milling technology: vol. 2Smith, LeslieThomas Robinson & Son1937Book
Plant BreederBird, John ANorthwestern Miller1937Vol 191 (10,Sept 29) 15,24,25Digital
WheatAmos, A JNorthern Publishing Co Ltd1937Offprint/Journal Supplement
Flour Milling 2: a bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1931-1937nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1937Book
Seeing for myself; Agricultural conditions around the worldHind, E CoraMacmillan1937Book
Two lectures: methods of comparing milling results; a comparison of British and American milling methodsLockwood, J FHenry Simon1937Book
Gilkes, On the development of water powerGilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd1937Book
AutopowerDuncan, S WAutopwer, Chicago, USA1937Book
La grande detresse de nos MoulinsWebster, Herman1937Article