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Showing results for ( Year equals 1931 ):

Publications (Library)

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Almost fifty years of progressRobert Craig Sons (Engineers) Ltd1931Brochure, leaflet or poster
Bedfordshire windmillsElliott, J SteeleBedfordshire Historical Records Society1931Book
Charm of old SurreyAlderman, H MTrefoil Publishing1931Book
Energy, Efficiency, EconomyRobert Craig Sons (Engineers) Ltd1931Brochure, leaflet or poster
England of the windmillsMais, Stuart P BJM Dent & Sons1931Book
Flour Milling 1: a bound set of NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1931nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1931Book
In search of English windmillsFreese, Stanley; Hopkins, Robert ThurstonCecil Palmer1931Book
In search of English windmillsFreese, Stanley; Hopkins, Robert ThurstonCecil Palmer1931Book
J WhatmanBalston Ltd, W L R1931Book
Mills of manLong, GeorgeHerbert Joseph1931Book
Moreton MillAngus, T CEssex Review1931Vol XL, July, pp130-134Offprint/Journal Supplement
NIJC Technical Education Series 1926-1931nabim, (now UK Flour Millers)National Joint Council for the Flour Milling Industry1931Container
Notes on some windmills in New England (article)Wailes, RexBulletin of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities1931January, Vol XXI (3) pp99-128Article
Romance of water-powerLewis, PaulSampson, Low, Marston & Co1931Book