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Showing results for ( Topic equals Energy & power > Development of milling technology ):

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Die Müllerei zwischen industrieller und wissenschaftlich-technischer RevolutionGleisberg, HermannBook
Windmills and watermillsVialls, ChristineAC Black1979Book
Natural sources of powerBall, Robert SArchibald Constable & Co1908Book
Science and Civilisation in China Vol IV (2) Mechanical EngineeringNeedham, JosephCambridge University Press1965Book
Molinos tradicionalesGarcia-Tapia, NicolasCentro ethnografico de documentacion1987Book
Joseph Bramah: a century of invention 1749-1851McNeil, IanDavid & Charles1968Book
Triebwerke in Getreidemuhlen: eine technischgeschtliche studieGleisberg, HermannDeutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie1970Book
History of corn milling: Volume 2: watermills and windmillsBennett, Richard; Elton, JohnEP Publishing1973Book
Evolution of windmills for milling grain in HampshireBowie, Gavin G SHampshire County CouncilBook
Power before steamVince, JohnJohn Murray1985Book
History Today: Energy a special feature on the pre-industrial sources of powerLongman1980Vol 30 (March)Offprint/Journal Supplement
Development of mechanical flour milling in ChinaWu, WenbinMilling & Grain 2017SeptemberDigital
French millstone storyWard, Owen HMills Research Group1988MarchDigital
Water and wind powerWatts, MartinShire2000Book
Andernach in Stichen, Zeichnungen und Bildern: Ein Querschnitt aus vier JahrhundertenHunder, HansStadt Andernach1974Book
Mühlenflügel und WasserradMager, JohannesVEB Fachbuchverlag1987Book